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My name is (Y/N) I wasn't always like this, insane to the world theirs a story behind it. When I was younger (9 years old) I had an older brother(14 years old ) his name was Luke, now Luke was a bit 'mentally dysfunctional' he would always go out into the woods and come back later the night, he'd tell me about a tall man he made friends with and how he would play in his mansion and make all sorts of friends. That was how I began to learn about creepypastas . One night he came home but with blood on his clothes he had told our parents it was an animal but, I found a finger in his jacket pocket when I was looking for a dollar that night. In fear I screamed the moment I saw it .Luke came in the room and covered my mouth , kidnapped me and kept me in a shed in the woods for 5 weeks braking my sanity , abusing me ,making me insane .Finally the day came he untired me and I grabbed a knife and stabbed him over and over and over . Just thinking of it brings me joy anyway, I walked out the shed only to see a black shadow like creature staring back at me it then asked me ''Are you hurt child?'' I showed it all my scared as I replied ,'' More than you could ever know'' it healed my scares using nothing but the moons light. '' Are you lost little one '' ''I m afraid so''. It stared me in my eyes as it spoke,'' Child you seem very special but you seem a little lost so if you want you can come with me ?'' , I then replied '' Lost yes but being found is the least of my worries for I ve killed my best friend my brother , for that I m sorry I felt good stabbing him endlessly but I still want him back '' . I then began to cry ,''Child I can get your brother back for you but I shall warn you having him back will not be much pleasant''. Over whelmed by excitement I didn't care what it had to say just the thought of getting Luke back was all I wanted , without thinking I agreed to the shadows deal '' Child I m not living forever I will give you your brother if you allow my energy to live on.'' Not waiting for it to finish or even thinking  twice I shouted '' YES ,YES !'' It then took in a deep breathe as it kissed my soft pink lips turning my eyes a dark moonlight blue as it disappeared, my shadow turned into Luke and I gave him the biggest hug ever ,''Luke its really you , I m sorry for killing you I shouldn't of done it '' I cried out to him in tears holding him tightly he pulled back and bended on his knee as he whipped my tears,'' Don't cry I m actually proud of you stabbing me endlessly didn't it feel good .'' ''K-kinda...''  Luke took my hand as we walked home  I knocked on the door and my mom opened it she could  not believe it her baby girl was alive , mom and dad both hugged me as they called the cops over and I explained what happened to me, for the murder of my brother I spent 2 months in a physico ward and I hated it more than anything . Luke was the only one there with me turns out only I can see him he told me I ve got a strong  dark power  inside of me but I didn't care much , all I cared was about making him happy . I  learnt all types of things from him who all the creepypastas and different ways to kill people , different weapons to use and how to use them . For murdering  Luke I was band from school so my mom was home schooling me while dad was at work (he sells cars). sometimes mom takes me with her when she goes shopping I even help her make food just like cooking classes. She teaches me all types of important things along with normal school subjects. Currently  I m 17 , Luke says because of that shadow thing when I m 18 I stop ageing I just stay 18 forever, he told me I could also shape shift into any age and Luke says when I m 18 I'll be able to use my special power and make him more happy by murdering whoever he wants me to. Luke told me that he was never my real brother he was just my adopted brother but I still love him. Friday is gonna be a big day for me its gonna be my birthday I 'll finally be 18 and I 'll be able to make Luke the happiest demon on earth . Oh I forgot to tell you that shadow creature turned out to be a demon 'Ezra Demon King Of The Moon'  so I guess that makes me half demon or  something. I ve also been seeing slender man a lot lately  Luke says he wants me to be a pasta but I don't care. I M JUST GONNA DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO MAKE MY LUKE HAPPY.


Hey guys I made this intro short and sweet , well maybe not sweet also I was wondering if you guys could send suggestions one what x readers to make I m open on any ideas ;)


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