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(Y/n) POV


It  was a sunny day , me and my family were at the park having a picnic. Mom and Dad was sitting on the blanket under a big apple tree , me and Luke were playing in the parks play area. I was sliding down the slide over and over again. Luke was playing in the sand , I ran to Luke as I heard him call my name,'' (Y/n) come here, I found something amazing! '' I went to the sand pit only to see a big black hole in it ,''Did you dig this ?'' I asked Luke. '' No'', he replied ,'' He did'' Luke said pointing at a dark shadow like figure. I went up to the figure and spoke,'' Its you, the shadow that cursed me!'' I shouted at it , I then felt my mom tap my shoulder ,''He never cursed you , you cursed yourself. It had asked you are you sure and to maybe think again but, you wanted Luke back SO badly.'' My mom said. I took a step back as my mother began melting ,  from her skin, to her bloody insides till it got to her skeleton which turned to dust. I looked at my father and saw he was gone, before I knew it he was behind me. My dad  grabbed my arm and started yelling at me,'' ITS YOUR FAULT , YOU KILLED LUKE , MURDERER , YOU KILLED MY SON , I HATE YOU!!'' I began crying. Just then I took a step back and fell into a lake filled with blood. I began to drown, looking down to see sea weed holding me down. It began to pull me to the bottom, I looked around only to see dead bodies held down by other strips of sea weed. Panicking I tried forcing the sea weed to let go but it didn't work. I closed my eyes when I opened it I was face to face with Luke(in human form) everything around us was blank nothing but white. He gave me one creepy smile and I began to run in the other direction. I was then pulled into the ground by a hand. I found myself in and under ground tunnel , pinned to the wall by Luke. His eyes turned black and black 'tears' started to pour out of his eyes, he smiled as his nails turned to claws. Luke then stabbed me.    


Normal POV


''DON'T!!'' (Y/n) screamed as she woke up , she was in a strange room. She was in what looked like a bedroom, dark grey painted walls (small pieces of paint falling off) , a door to a private bathroom inside the room, a big bed (which she was lying on) placed in the middle of the room with black clean bedding on it, a small nightstand on her left and a window with curtains covering it on the right. (Y/n) looked at the door on her far bottom left, she felt something cold on her forehead it was a icepack. She stood up and put the icepack on the nightstand she slowly began to wobble and fell as she lost her balance , slowly getting back up she regained her balance ,''Luke'' She called out . The shadow boy appeared in front of her , ''Oh looked who's up!'' He said, '' Luke , what happened where are we ?'' (Y/n) asked. Luke smiled and pointed to the door,'' Go see for yourself.'' With that he disappeared. (Y/n) walked to the door only to find out it was lock, her eye turned white as she teleported out the room,'' Okay , I did not know I could do that?'' she looked around to see she was in a huge hall way with a red carpet and white dirty bloody walls, closed doors all around some with names on and a very few open doors but yet empty. (Y/n) heard shouting , talking and laughing down stares. She then walked down the castle like stares and held on to the wooden surprising clean and polished railing, slowly walking down the stares Luke appeared next to her. She went to the kitchen and saw many murders sitting at a table laughing, making jokes. All eyes then fell on her as a faceless tall man spoke ,'' Shes wake.'' 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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