Chapter Eight Rose Ashes

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Kais POV

I seemingly can't keep my eyes off mercy, but I know what Aamon did. He clearly knew she was off limits and yet he still took her. I banished him from the family. MERCY WAS MINE! I smile as I fall asleep

She straddled my lap and tangled her fingers in my hair she kisses me and it's hard not to moan against those soft perfect lips.

I wrap my arms around her body as she kisses down my jawline and neck, she looks up at me blushing.

I gently move her hair from her face and she blushes

Our kissing heats up as we twist our tongues together. She lays her hands against my chest as I kiss down her neck and right on her spot

She moans

I wake up sweating, only to realize it was a dream. I frown and go to the bathroom to splash my face with cold water. I look at myself in the mirror. My black hair falls in my face and I move it and take the patch off my left eye. It was still red with a white pupil. I had an awful headache so I opened the medicine cabinet and took the aspirin out, I flip the cap off and take two with a gulp of water. I smile at myself in the mirror showing my fangs. I notice my girlfriend in the mirror and she wraps her arms around me laying her head against my back. I turn around and hold her in a loving embrace

"Kai~"she whispers my name tiredly. I pick her up and wrap her legs around me. She breathes against me and I smell alchohol.

"Maxille, I thought I said no drinking" I whisper as I lay her body on the bed and hover over her. She pulls my down and kisses my lips

"Baby you know I dont listen" she giggles as she speaks. She plays with my hair. I look in her eyes as she takes my shirt off. She really loved me.

Max's POV

The bed creaked as Kai rocked my body. He was so gentle when we were making love. I gripped the sheets and lightly moaned as he started rubbing my breasts. He was hitting all the right spots in my body. I felt as if the pleasure would never end..

"In or out" he moaned lightly in my ear, my voice was caught in my throat

"I w-want more" I groaned in pleasure. "Then you can" I add, i feel myself orgasm and i dig my nails in his back and moan. He cums in me and I throw my head back and arch my back.

"KAI!" I scream his name in pleasure. My body trembles. He lays next to me and sighs. After heavily making out he gets up and leaves. I fall asleep.

I feel someone's hands roaming my body I opened my eyes and I couldnt see anything. I couldnt move.

"You're awake~" a masculine voice speaks as they thrust in me..

"A-ah, who're you?!" I moan out.. I wasnt enjoying it but damn it was deep.

"Shhhh" they put there finger over my mouth. It wasnt Kai, he wouldnt do it like this.. but it was similar to his style. They got faster and I felt it... I felt it fill me up. I hear an evil chuckle.

"Fucking cum slut!" They growl in a mean demeanor

"Beg for more cum! Bitch!" His voice is loud and somewhat like kais.. i-is this my son... Aamon.

"A-Aamon?" I whisper in fear.

"SHUT UP!" He screams at me before punching me hard in the face

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