Chapter Twenty The Person I'll Marry Isn't The One I Sleep With

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Haili's POV

He wasn't my husband, not even my boyfriend.. Certainly not the man I'll
marry.. He was my best friend, yet I sleep in his bed Every night, with him by my side. His warmth comforts me. He is my best friend.

He's only my best friend and the way he makes me feel is wonderful. He can pleasure me, make me happy and feel like I'm worth something.. It wasn't supposed to be like this but... My best friend makes it feel so right.. I feel awful for cheating on my fiancee but..

"Baby~" Ash grumbles as he gets up. He kisses me deeply and moans against my lips..

"Mmm.. Last night was wonderful baby~ Thank you for dinner and everything.." He wakes up a lil and looks in my eyes with a grin. I can't help but smile. he makes me so happy. I feel so awful for Jesse. I get on top of Ash.

"Do what you please to me" I whisper in his ear.. I know Ash isn't happy so I'll keep my promise.

His eyes change from happy to very serious quiet quickly.

"I know you have someone, being your best friend is so wonderful. Not only because we do things like this. But because you make me a better person" he kisses me, pausing his sentence..

"And although I may want something more serious than just kissing" he kisses me again pausing.

"I want you happy. And I know if I got what I want, you wouldn't be happy" he looks away.

" I asked you twelve years, what you'd do if I raped you. And you responded-" I cut him off.

"I would let you as long as you were finally happy" I finish his sentence and he nods...

"Those were your exact words" he mutters and looks at me..

"Even if given the chance I wouldn't do so.. It wouldn't make you happy.. No matter how much I want you, I will never do something so cruel" he kisses me again, taking a deep breath through his nose..

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