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"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, stunned. "It's the men's room!"

"Damn it!" my friend said with a snort.

Without wasting time with any more regrets, we went running towards the final module. But my friend stopped suddenly and went back to the booth we had just examined.

"Wait a moment!" he exclaimed.

"What are you doing?" I asked, confused.

"Nothing, yet."

To my surprise he opened the door to the bathroom and went in. Hurry up! Was the only thing I managed to say to him, and I continued with the task of inspecting. The doors and windows again offered their impenetrable look.

"Gordo?" you could hear a little bit later.

It was the doctor's voice. I turned around.


The doctor appeared from the left side of the row of modules, where there was a hand-rail to one side of him.

"Did you find the entrance?" Vanessa was asking, running after him. "Gordo! You're..."

"Gordo," the doctor interrupted her, "You're a genius!"

"Well, I only..."

I had to tell them the truth at once. I began trotting towards them.

"Doctor," I started, taking a breath, "it turns out that..."

"Where's the entrance!"

"It was..."

"Is it a door?"

"No! No! There's no..."

"What door?"

They weren't letting me speak! The doctor held his flashlight up to the narrow wall of the fifth module. It was the bathroom door.

"No!" I tried to dissuade, speeding up.

Neither the doctor nor his niece paid me any attention. Vanessa opened the door.

"No!" I exclaimed. "That's not it!"

Too late for explanations.

Felix appeared, coming out from the corridor between the little huts.

"What's going on?" he asked, as detached as ever.

"We managed to open a door," I informed, upset. "But I don't think it goes anywhere."

We went into the room. My flashlight found Darwin's face. He looked scared.

"This is the place," Felix confirmed, totally oblivious to the scandal.

I shone the light around. He walked with conviction towards the opposite end of the washbowl. He went into a narrow corridor that led to a door. I had to admit that neither, Vanessa, Darwin nor I had noticed that the passageway existed.

Suddenly a creaking of hinges was heard.

"The door's open," Felix declared from inside. "Let's go."

SUNGLASSES AND ROCKETS Part 1 : New MoonWhere stories live. Discover now