Chapter 1: The Photography Club

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The ball flew into the air at full speed, waiting to hit its next victim. Everyone else rushed out the way as someone else caught the ball from the other side.

"Julian has the ball!" Someone yelled. "Run!!"

Screams and laughter erupted from the class as they tried to dodge the next ball throw hoping not to get hit. They were playing an altered version of dodgeball in the gymnasium, and everyone was on edge.

There were basically three lines, with the middle line being one team and the two other outer lines being the enemy team. With only one ball in the entire game, the middle team had to last long enough as the two outer lines exchanged the ball, hoping to hit someone in the middle.

"Richard, duck!!"

A 16 year old boy with messy dark hair and fair complexion dived unto the floor. His crystal blue eyes were fixed on the ball, eyeing it closely. With his lean posture and Julian's nasty throw, he would have felt a whole lot more pain being hit with the ball than hitting the floor.

"Nice dodge, Richard!" One of his classmates praised him until-


Richard felt the ball hit him just as he was about to get up from the floor.

"Hey, no fair you didn't even give him a chance to get up!" Someone else yelled.

"All's fair in this game as long as you keep to your line and don't aim for someone's head!" Their P.E. Teacher, Sir Johnny said as he overlooked the game. "You're out, Richard!"

Richard Solar sighed as he walked to the side bleachers and sat down, wiping his sweat with a nearby towel.
"Ugh, I just wanna change already."

"Dodgeball just not your game, huh?"

His best friend Jack Leo sat next to him. Jack usually combs his thick dark-blue hair and maintains an impressionable appearance but the game dirtied his wet sleeveless P.E. uniform. Sweat dropped from his forehead. Unlike Richard, he had a more athletic body, although it wasn't to muscle - building standards.

"Speak for yourself, you were hit in the first volley," Richard chuckled.

"Hey! Not my fault Julian likes targeting people like me," Jack put on a stoic face before laughing. "Biggest threat comes first you know?"

"Ohhh, so you were targeted because you were sooo good at dodgeball?" Richard raised an eyebrow.

"Well what can I say? Everyone knows I'm the best." Jack shrugged while keeping his poker face up.

"Suuure." Richard nodded. "I'll believe that."

Jack playfully punched Richard's shoulder. "I'm just messing around. I also just wanna get back to the classroom and rest already."

"I wanna get back so I can finish up my entries," Richard sighed.

"On your journal?" Jack laughed. "Seriously, I'm telling you to at least consider taking up journalism. There's a lot you can do with Mass Communication courses."

"I don't really know. . .I'll think about it." Richard smiled at Jack.

"It's just the first week of school. You got plenty of time," Jack smiled. "Speaking of courses, have you thought of a club to join yet?"

"Really? What club would I be in?" Richard raised an eyebrow. "I'm average on all my grades last year except in Language Class. . .but I hear they don't really even do anything in the Speaker's Guild."

"Dunno. . .there's always the anime club-"

"Urk, not those guys!" Richard recoiled away from Jack, putting on a face. "There's really not much to go on with them."

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