Chapter 3: There Were Three

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"F'ing finally."

Jack walked inside the classroom where Richard was busy drafting the portfolio application. The blue-haired teen looked like he had gone through a life-changing hike over Mount Everest.

"Did you develop the photos at Kamperstan or someplace?" Richard looked at him in disbelief. "Why in the actual world do you look like you've gone through hell and back?"

"The darn lines are impossible. It's like a riot over there!!" Jack groaned as he literally crumpled down and kneeled in front of Richard. "It's a nightmare! I'm never doing this again in my life!"

"Well, at least the nightmare is behind us, right?" Richard turned his seat to Jack who was already sobbing on his lap. "Hand me over the pictures so I can start writing descriptions for them and all."

"Yeah yeah, I have them here in my backpa-"

Jack's face suddenly turned pale. He opened his bag wide and started to dig through his books and folders, sending some papers flying in the air.

"Woah, you're making a mess," Richard exclaimed as a bunch of papers flew right at him. "What's wrong?"

"The zipper was open." Jack gulped. "The pictures aren't here."

"You have to be frikin' kidding me." Richard immediately dug through Jack's bag himself, throwing out folders and scanning the insides of each book. "Casey is gonna kill us and the club will be disbanded."

"I couldn't have. . ." Jack looked on in disbelief. His slip - up could potentially ruin their club leader's ambition right then and there and he wouldn't hear the end of it.

"Do you have any idea where you possibly could have left it?!" Richard shook Jack by the shoulders. His eyes were full of desperation.

"Other than 'Sky Rose' where I had the photos developed, it could be anywhere between the street and these very hallways," Jack shook his head. "I went through a huge crowd, Richard. Even if we did find them, they probably won't be of any good."

"Unless we want to tell Casey we wasted money and time, we're gonna be in heaps of trouble." Richard pointed out. "Casey and Marie come back to check on us by five o'clock. We only have an hour to find the pictures!"

"Shit, shit, shit, okay." Jack paced back and forth. "How the hell are we gonna find those pictures?"

"Pray and hope for the best," Richard sighed.


Richard Solar and Jack Leo scanned the hallways intensively. Finding those pictures were a matter of life and death.

"What do you mean you lost the pictures?!" Tiffany's voice shrilled through Richard's phone.

"No, not me, Jack," Richard corrected.

"Casey's gonna kill you both."

"I know, I know!" Richard groaned. He looked over the railings and checked the plants that lay beside the hallway into the court. "You can't be bothered to help out, can you?"

"I would love to help, I really would," Tiffany said just as some kind of commotion happened in the background. A loud noise that sounded like twenty five tables falling down all at once almost broke Richard's ear.

"What was that?!"

"N-nothing. We - we're just having problems with the frog - just GRASP IT, KAT! G-gotta go, Richard!"


Richard sighed as Jack continued to get on his knees and check every single crevice and crack. A few passing students stared at them as they walked right by.

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