VISITORS FROM CHAOS *This is War/Remains fanfic* heh heh

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Athena has updated her status: He took the diary!!!


Leo Valdez: *le gasp* The happiness of my whole day depended on that diary!!!! You are a goddess! How could you let it out of your sight, not to mention, you are in a closet, you've got nonthing much else to do!!!!

Athena: Don't use that tone with me boy.

Athena: wait! I found another one! Plain black hardcover, black gel pen stuck in the side *flips through it* Why did you stop writing on...July 17, 2011?

Nico: Um...

Nico:... No comment

Chiron: July 17th, 2011...that's a day before...she died

Nico: Who?

Percy Jackson: Yeah who?

Chiron: Hmmmm

Athena has updated her status: this last entry in the diary concerns me, it's in ENGLISH

The end is coming. I don't know what's happening, but I feel like this place will go to war soon and I won't be around to see it. I've been at camp all of one day and already I feel the need to hide my face. Chiron says I have a brother somewhere, but he disappeared a couple months back along with the great hero Percy Jackson, somehow, I know I won't be around when he gets back. I'm not meant to live the life of a demigod, especially a forbidden one and soon I will leave and it'll be like I was never here. I mean that's what it's like being a child of Hades, no one notices the darkness until it's too late and that's all I am, darkness. The city is where I belong, the only safe place for a person like me.

On other news. One person was nice to me today. I know, pitiful, documenting every act of kindness like its some sort of miracle, but yes I guess that's how I view it. She's a daughter of Hermes I believe. She's a little obsessive with pancakes, and maple syrup, and butter knives, and Canada...but she's really nice and the only one I actually let see my face. I have a friend I think...I wonder if she'll miss me when I'm gone.

The days pass slower, knowing I made a deal with the devils and that sooner or later, they will come and collect their prize, fairly or not. I cannot cheat the reaper forever, although it would be nice to die of my origin instead of somewhere else.

If there's a next time, see you then.

If not. Goodbye world, nice knowing you.



Leo Valdez: Whoa...heavy much Nico?

nico: Um....

Nico: Uhhhh

Nico: What?

Hermes: A daughter of mine?

Hermes: there was only one daughter of mine who was Canadian and had those obsessions

Percy Jackson: Was?

ConnorSToll: You can't mean?

TravisSToll: He talks to dead people...

Nico: He is right here and can see your posts

Hermes: the date...she would have still been alive

Percy Jackson: Who are you talking about

Hazel: Nico why are you so depressed, you're alive. Is there something you're not telling us

Nico: no

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