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"uh, thanks for uh, tonight," minho stuttered, as he scratches the back of his head.

"it's not a big deal, i swear," chan responded to his shyness with a chuckle and leaned against the door.

"i guess, i should leave now," minho sighed, sadly as he presses his lips together to form a straight line, which was a habit of his when he was a child.

he really didn't want to leave because one, his mother (which was a reasonable excuse i may add), and two, he enjoyed chan's company, which was quite a foreign feeling to him. over his 18 years of living, he had never made a real friend nor has he ever felt safe around anyone. his 'friends' only used him, used him as an advantage to make them feel superior as he was the type to stay quiet. chan, on the other hand, made him feel safe, chan made him forget about his worries. it was the first time minho had ever talked this much to anyone.

"awe, is wittle minho going to miss me?" chan jokingly mocked to match minho's apparent sadness on his face. he looks cute when he presses his lips together, he thought.

"i mean like, obviously," minho bluntly said, not giving it a second thought. even if he gave it another thought, he would've said it either way. it's not like he meant it in a romantic way, they were both boys anyway.

"NANI?" chan widened his eyes in shock. of course he'd be shocked, imagine someone who you barely knew saying that they missed you?

"yeah man, i'm gonna miss you," minho said, letting out a chuckle to chan's startled response.

oh, i just got man-zoned. cool, chan thought as he heaved a sigh. he went up to minho, "i'm gonna miss you too, man," he chuckled as well as minho's chuckle was quite contagious and patted the latter's back.

"wanna meet up again? like, let's meet up at the same convenient store? oh, let's exchange numbers too!! and seriously though, let's be great friends!! and let's watch movies while eating ice cream again!! and-" chan enthusiastically rambled but he was cut off by minho's laughter. even his laugh is cute.

chan was and still is the outgoing type. he tries very hard to make friends with other people. too hard. growing up, his parents weren't emotionally there and so, he tried to please them to get their attention in which he continuously failed to.

with that, he tends to find attention in other people. every time he does well in class, or whenever he aces a test, he gets the attention he wanted. in conclusion, chan is a people pleaser. people may see both chan and minho as polar opposites but there's one thing they have in common, people take advantage of them.

"are you a rapper or something?" minho asked jokingly as he continued laughing, holding his stomach.

"i mean like-" chan swept the non-existing dust on his shirt, "i compose songs, i write lyrics, i can rap, sing and dance. they call me triple threat," chan continued to ramble about his talents as he crossed his arms, arching one of his eyebrows to show minho that he's a threat to him.

"i doubt that you could dance better than me though," minho replied confidently and smirked, doubting one of his talents, dancing.

"loving your confidence, babe," chan smirked as he leaned closer to minho. their bodies almost touching. at this point, they could hear each other's heartbeats.

"w-what?" minho stuttered as he stepped backwards, losing his confidence every step back.

chan continued to walk closer to minho until minho's back hit the wall. fucking hell, i hate this apartment for being small, minho thought.

chan's eyes started to wander, from the younger's eyes to his lips. he's so beautiful. minho closed his eyes, thinking that a pair of lips will meet his but instead, he was met by a tissue wiping on his lips. chan was apparently getting rid of the ice cream off of minho's lips. minho was relieved but at the same time, he was disappointed. he didn't know why but he was.

chan chuckled at his reaction in which minho blushed in response, completely flustered and embarrassed.

"you thought that i was going to kiss you huh? you're pretty cute if you'd ask me,"

"bye, i'm going home," minho said in a monotonous tone, ignoring what chan had just said as he walks away.

"wait!! we haven't exchanged our numbers yet!!" chan grabbed minho's wrist.

"here, my phone. do it quickly," minho pressed his lips together, lending chan his phone.

chan typed in his number, not forgetting to save it and gave minho back his phone, "text me later?"

"yeah, i will," minho replied, smiling, while he walked to the door and walked out.

fortunately, chan's apartment was pretty close to minho's house. minho walked along the streets and was going to text chan. he chuckled at chan's contact name.

cutie channie hyung huh?

i hv a few tests coming up lol wish me luck

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