Dream? Now Nightmare

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Sofia opened her eyes and blinked in surprise. "Dad?!"

"Who did you expect to see?" Edward chuckled.

Sofia grinned until she saw where she was. "Wheres Mom?"

"Downstairs opening the shop of course." Edward smiled.

"Shop? As in shoe shop?" Sofia whispered to herself.

"Come down for breakfast when you're ready." Edward smiled before leaving the room.

Sofia was in shock. Who would have known this could happen?! She looked down at herself and nearly screamed, she was back in her simple dress, no amulet around her neck or Enchanlet on her wrist!

She had to get up to the castle to talk to Amber and James.


"Amber dear, its time to wake up." A woman said

"No a few minutes more." Amber complained

"I know you. Its time to get up." The woman insisted.

Amber rolled her eyes and sat up. Her jaw dropped.

"Do I have something on my face?" The woman asked

"No, not at all. I need to find James." Amber said quickly. The woman nodded and left the room.

Ambers mind was going a mile a minute. This woman had to be her mother, but how did it happen?!

"James!" Amber called when she was dressed.

"Amber?!" James called

"We have to get to the library!" They said together when they met up. "After breakfast."

"How is school?" Loreli asked

"You must be so proud James, next in line to be king." Roland smiled.

James smiled, but knew that was wrong. He was to be at Junior Knights Academy.

"Trust me Dad, I am. Mom, is it ok if Amber and I go and study in the library?" James asked

"Yes, go hone your young minds." Loreli answered.

As soon as the twins were out of the room, they raced to the library.  "Amber, did you see what you have on?" James asked when they got there.

Amber looked down and gasped, the Amulet of  Avalor and it was purple! "Oh no, Elena, Im so sorry!" A sharp rap at the door made the twins spring up.

"Who is knocking?" James peeked out the curtian to see Zandar, Cleo and Hildegard.

"James, we cant see them now! We need to find Sofia." Amber suggested.

"Oh, but where could she be? I know Mom and Sofia owned a shoe store. Maybe we can pretend to be clients. Come on Amber!" James took his sisters hand and went to get the coach.

"Amber, James where are you off to?" Hildigard asked.

"Going to visit Sofia, of course." Amber smiled

"Whos Sofia?" Cleo asked

"A new friend, hows school Hildegard?" James asked to spare Amber.

"Amazing, I love the Design school, dont you Cleo?" Hildrgard demanded

"Fashion is the best."

"What about the Performing Arts Academy?" James blurted out.

"No, I could never be that bold." Cleo blushed

"Besides you know she only does the things I like." Hildigard fluffed her fan.

"We will be back soon, unless you want to join us?" Amber asked an idea coming to her.

"Ok then, lets go meet your new friend."


Sofia sighed as she continued to polish the shoes. "Sofia, there are people here to see you!" Miranda called.

Sofia wiped her brow and stepped outside. She gasped at seeing Amber and James. Her eyes flew to the amulet around the girls neck.

"Oh finally!" Sofia cried running to the twins who embraced her.

"We miss you Sofia." Amber said. The amulet glowed when Sofia came near.

"Elena, Im sorry. Im no longer a princess, but a simple girl." Sofia sniffled

"What happened Sof?"

"Fritz granted me a wish. I wished my father and your mother to be alive. But I reversed everything I did as a princess. I cant believe you remember me!" Sofia exclaimed

"There has to be a way to reverse this spell!" Amber groaned.

"I think we need to ask Cedric. He knows...I hope." Sofia sighed

"But you wont be allowed back into the Palace." James whispered.

"I will be. I need you to tell my parents that you need a kid to help you decide the best shoes to wear. We can all go to the king and he will see the amulet glow when Im near it. I once read that a girl can become a lady if chosen." Sofia explained

"I do hope this will work." Amber sighed

"Excuse me sir? Princess Amber would like to borrow your daughter for the afternoon to consult about the best kinds of shoes she should wear." James smiled at Edward.

"Of course Prince James, make certian she is back in 4 hours." Edward replied

When the trio approched the coach, Hiligard looked disgusted. "What is a village girl doing here.

"Hello to you Hildigard." Sofia smiled displaying her best curtsey.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Hildegard demanded

"Its a secret." Sofia winked


"I see you have returned, with a new friend?" Baileywhick looked long and hard at Sofia. "Something about you seems familiar."

"Is Daddy home?" Amber inturrupted

"Yes, princess, go on in." The servants opened the entrance to the throne room.

"Daddy?" Amber asked

Roland looked up and when his eyes fell upon Sofia, they became haunted. "Do I know you?"

"Good morrow your Majesty. I am Sofia of Dunwiddie." The young girl curtsied deeply.

"What brings you to the castle?" Roland asked

"This." Sofia stood in front of Amber and the Amulet of Avalor glowed bright.

Sofia The First: Once Upon a NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now