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"What?! If the Amulet glows, it means its found a new owner." Roland whispered.

He came closer to Sofia. "I feel as if I should know you." He whispered.

The moment was broken by Queen Loreli. "What is a village girl doing here?!"

"Ah Loreli, I was just meeting the newst resident of this castle. Lady Sofia." Roland smiled.

"Lady?!" Loreli gasped.

Roland nodded. "If the Amulet chooses a peasent girl, she is to become a Lady."

"But..but.." Loreli sputtered

"But what? My mothers rules state that clearly." Roland said firmly.

"But a village girl cant just move into the castle! Its unheard of! Let alone wear a crown jewel around her neck." Loreli scoffed.

"Excuse me please." Sofia curtsied and went into the hallway.  She wanted nothing more than use the wishing well, but knew everything might turn out worse. She wasnt supposed to be on the castle grounds without her royal title.

"What am I to do?" Sofia moaned.

Suddenly the doors opened and in came the Duchess Matilda.

Sofia curtsied deeply. "Hello Duchess Matilda."

Tilly looked at Sofia closely. "What have you done my poor dear?"

Sofia gasped, "you remember me?!"

"How could I forget you?" Tilly asked hugging the young girl.

"I made a mistake, a really big one." Sofia sighed.

"My dear, there is no problem too big for us to solve. Now wait right here." Tilly marched into the throne room while Sofia listened in.

"Tilly! Its so amazing to see you!" Roland boomed.

"Hello, Queen Loreli." Tilly said stiffly.

"Matilda." She greeted coolly.

"Where are my niece and nephew?" Tilly asked

"Acting strange is what. Ambers changing, and I dont like it." Loreli sounded annoyed

"I will get her head on straight for you my dear. Come on James, Amber." Tilly replied leading the twins to Sofia.

"Aunt Tilly?"

"She knows, somehow." Sofia sighed

"How?" The twins asked in unison.

"My butler Spruce, he knew a spell was being cast upon Enchancia. To protect me, he gave me this ring so as long as I dont take it off, my memories remain with me. Now tell me everything." Tilly whispered.

"I had a dream about my father last night. Fritz the genie appeared and offered to grant me a wish. He said it would have a time limit. But, that I would need to undo the wish myself." Sofia sighed.

"Sofia, since you are now a Lady, it will make our job a lot easier. We better go tell Miranda and your father about the change." Tilly explained.

"Here." Amber took off the purple amulet and put it around her sisters neck.

"Thank you. Elena, Im so sorry again! I hope Avalor is ok without you." Sofia moaned.

"Who is Elena?" Tilly asked

"Shes the Crown Princess of Avalor whos once again trapped in my amulet." Sofia sighed.

"Trapped?" Tilly gasped

Sofia nodded, "didnt you ever wonder why the amulet changed from purple to pink?"

"Nows not the time!" The twins inturrupted.

"Right, come on Sofia, its time to tell Miranda your change in status." Tilly lead the kids to the carriage.

"What about us, Aunt Tilly?" Amber asked.

"You stay here and adapt to your new life as best as you can. Something is up with your mother, I don't know yet, but keep an eye open ok?" Tilly asked before leading Sofia to the carriage.

"All aboard!" The horse whinned.

Sofia and Tilly sat in the carriage before it took off.

"Tell me, why did the amulet change from purple to pink?" Tilly asked.

Sofia smiled, "Last summer, I had a dream about this royal family and this girl in a red dress. The family was attacked, by a wich and the girl was wearing my amulet. But the girl was struck by the witch, and the amulet pulled her inside. The Secret Library told me the girl was Princess Elena of Avalor. She was trapped inside my amulet for 41 years."

"So you got her out? I knew you would be an adventurer." Tilly smiled.

The coach stopped before Sofias shoe store. Tilly went first followed by Sofia. "Hello?"

"Duchess Matilda, how may we help you?" Miranda asked.

"I am here to inform you that your daughter Sofia will now be living in the castle." Matilda stated

"Why is that?" Edward demanded coming into the room.

"The Amulet of Avalor. Its a law here in Enchancia. If this amulet chooses a peasent girl, that girl will become a Lady and a resident of the castle. The amulet chose your daughter." Tilly stepped aside and Sofia stepped forward.

The purple jewel glowed brightly. "I see." Miranda frowned.

"Sorry, Mom, Dad. But, laws are laws." Sofia stated.

"I see. You had better get your belongings together." Edward said coolly.

"Ill be right back, Duchess Matilda." Sofia smiled before walking upstairs.

"Would you like any shoes?" Miranda asked

"No thanks." Tilly smiled at Miranda.

Sofia returned a minute later with a small bag on a stick. "Im ready, Duchess Matilda."

"Time to go. Sofia will come back and visit." Tilly said before leaving the small shop.

At the castle...

"I dont want to be king, Amber! The title rightfully belongs to you!" James whispered as soon as Tilly left.

"James, please just play along. Sofia said she'd break the spell. So, until then listen to what Tilly said." Amber hissed.


Amber sighed, "I dont know."

Sofia The First: Once Upon a NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now