Chapter One

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I sat at the train station, silently humming a tune to myself. Patiently waiting for the 7:30 train to Bristol, I looked over the past couple of weeks, amazed at how far I'd gotten.

A fortnight ago, I found out I had a brother. He was unable to be contacted, and it seemed that he'd forgotten all about me. But, I didn't forget about him; and although I was only 4 when I was given to Hardwitch House, I still remember his face and his sarcastic smile - who could forget that?

I'm now 20, and I've decided to dedicate my whole life to finding him. When I do... Well, I don't know what to do. I have no house, no money, and the clothes on my back are the only ones I have. My sole possession is the guitar dangling from my hand, safely tucked in it's case. How am I going to survive? I suppose I could live in a shelter, but I also heard that in them there are lots of grubby men with dirty hands and dirty minds that will try and look up your skirt...


My first objective was to find my brother, and I'll stick by it, no matter the cost.

I reached in my bag, to distract me from unsavoury thoughts, and grabbed the sheet I took with all my brothers information.

Name: J Kogan

D.O.B.: 7th March, 1990

Relation to Scarlet Kogan: Brother

Current Residence: Bristol, 16 Aberton Road, England


The rest of it was ripped off.

Well, at least I know where he lives, right? I thought, with a slight smile on my face.

"The seven-thirty train to Bristol Station is now departing. All passengers boarding the train should mind the gap." The booming voice of the announcer echoed across the small station in rural Scotland. I swiftly stood up, and ran to my train. 


The vehicle shuddered to a stop, and I jumped off the train, eager to get down to business. I couldn't believe my eyes, I was finally here! This is where my brother lives, in this massive town with its bursting crowds of people and its hivemind of shopping centres. I felt at home, nestled in the crowds. No-one looked at the girl with the messy brown hair tied in a braid, or the weird woman with a beaten-up guitar and flip-flops at the start of spring. They all had their own lives to live and their own tales to tell - why should they care about me? I walked through the doors to the outside world, and paused for a moment, before stepping through into the busy road.

Gripping the end of my shorts, my knuckles nearly turned white. Okay, Scarlett, get your head in gear. Judging by the map in your pockets, your brother should be in walking distance. Don't freak out, okay? Just... Don't freak. I reassured myself, but I couldn't stop the quivering nervousness in my stomach. My brother - who I thought only existed in petty dreams when I was a kid - is within ten minutes from you. TEN MOTHERFUCKING MINUTES. DUDE.

I took several deep breaths, and slowly turned left. It was left wasn't it? I quickly got out my map, scanning the interlocking roads and the winding streets.

"Err, dude. You look a bit lost there." I heard a voice from behind me say. I looked up, smiling pathetically.

"Eheheh, yeah... I'm looking for Aberton road." I answered, although it sounded like a question. The man smiled.

"I know that road well. I'll take you." He took my hand. His felt rough, and coarse, but welcoming at the same time. He took me left (So I was right...), leading me through a twisting labyrinth of a road, until we slowed down slightly.

"Umm, you can let go of my hand now." I laughed, blushing slightly.


-Sparkles*' POV-

"Umm, you can let go of my hand now." She laughed, a quiet, small laugh that made him smile. Blushing, he let go of her hand, looking sheepishly away at his shoes. She is pretty, he thought, her brown eyes were big, but not abnormal. She was small, as well. About a head and a half shorter than him. Despite her small, skinny frame, she reminded him of Kogie, but that was bullshit. His sister was lost years ago - the orphanage she was sent to moved her to Scotland. She was never seen since.

"What's your name, by the way?" She asked. How was he going to tell her that?

"Well, my real name's Tom, but I hate that name," He looked off into the distance, "I have a stupid nickname, though."

"Tell me." She smirked, leaning closer. She was close enough to him that he could smell her raspberry perfume, and he could hear even the slightest jingle from her bangles.

"Err, well, ahem... It's Sparkles*." He replyed meekly, scratching the back of his neck. The younger woman laughed her sweet laugh of hers as they turned round the corner.

"Oh, we're here now." She sighed, but smiled joyfully, as if she was excited at something. "Can I have your number?" She looked up at him, batting her eyelashes.

"Sure." Sparkles replied, handing her his phone. She swiftly tapped various numbers in, and gave the phone back to him.

"My name should be there, as well." She smiled warmly. "I have to go now, so... Bye, Sparkles!" She giggled, walking down the end of the road. Beaming to hisself, he checked her name on the phone as soon as he saw her dissapear into a house. When he read those two words though, he felt as if he had just seen a unicorn walk down the street.

The contact's name was...

Scarlett Kogan.

Looking up from his phone, he ran down the street. He was at No.53, he could get to Kogie's house in a minute or two if he ran. And, plus, he couldn't let this meeting go to waste.

Painting The Skies Scarlet - Area 11जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें