Chapter Two

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Scarlett's POV

My heart was pounding as I lifted my hand to knock on the door. Number 16, Aberton Road. I was confident I had the right one.

I knocked twice, and a man who looked roughly the age my brother would be opened the door. He looked tired, as though he had just woken up.

"Hi," I started, suddenly nervous. What was he going to say? Was I at the right place? If so, was this my brother? Would he remember me? "My name is Scarlett Kogan, and uhh..." I stopped. The man seemed confused.

"KOGIE!" He shouted, "You better come in."

I stepped across the threshold, and was instantly hit by a wave of warmth. I shivered, not realising how cold I was. The television was blaring from what I guessed was the living room. I couldn't make out any individual words though. The man guided me through into the kitchen, where another man, Kogie, was sitting.

 I cleared my throat. "I'm Scarlett," Kogie's head snapped up.

 "Hang on," He took in my facial features, "Scarlett..." He narrowed his brown eyes, almost as if he was studying me. I recognised those brown eyes. It was like looking in a mirror, only an older, male version. He also had the same slightly tanned skin as mine. I slowly handed him the piece of paper - the one with all his details on, and shuffled nervously as he read the words on the page. He looked up as I looked down at my sandals, which suddenly became 20x more interesting.

"Is it really you..?" He asked. I looked up, my eyes widened with confusion. 

"I believe so." I laughed pathetically, scratching the back of my neck. My eyes were trailing away from his face now, down to the floor again. Suddenly, I felt a strong pair of arms grasp me from the front.

"Kogie..." I whispered in surprise. I had just got used to that nickname. It's strange, isn't it? Anyway...

"I can't.. believe..." he muttered, squeezing me harder. I chuckled, hugging him back. We let go, when we suddenly heard a strong rap from the front door. Leo excused himself, and we heard the door opening.

"Hey Leo, can I speak to Kogie for a sec?" Someone asked. I couldn't see their face, and he didn't sound familiar.

"Oh, sure, Parv. By the way, he has got some... Surprising company. Don't freak, yeah?" Leo replied, ushering the unseen man in.  I held my breath for a second. Was this Parv an important, regal person? Did he own a house of his own, with lots of money and wealth?

The man's footsteps edged closer and closer, until he opened the door.

"Aaargh! A girl!"

Suddenly, I don't think he's a wealthy buisnessman anymore.

"Whoa, calm down Parv!" My brother gestured him to keep quiet, although there was no reason to.

"Hey, I don't bite..!" I laughed slightly. He turned his head slowly towards me.

"You don't?" He asked, his eyebrows knotted together.

"No, I don't..." I told him slowly, as if I was talking to a child.

"Oh. But I thought, because when we went to the stri-" The clueless man was interuppted by Leo shoving an apple in his mouth.

"That's enough, Parv." He said casually, as if he's been through this before. I rolled my eyes, sitting on one of the kitchen stools.

"Anyway, I was going to tell you that Sparkles says that he saw your sister!" This 'Parv' guy told Kogie, his eyes beaming. "Wouldn't that be wonderful? You'd be able to get to see your sister again!"

I coughed slightly, everyone drawing attention to me.

"Ah, he's already met her." I replied. The mans face, instead of falling, rose like the sun in summer.

"Reallt? When? Can I see her? PLEASE!!" He begged. I looked at his face, clearly unimpressed.

"You've already met her."

"REALLY??!! WHERE!!?" He jumped up and down, and I face palmed. So hard.

"Holy shizzle on a nizzle, you really are clueless, aren't you?" I moaned, my hand still plastered to my face, "I'm his sister..." I groaned, pretending to sob uncontrollably into my palms.

"Oh, wow! Nice to meet you. My name's Alex, but call me Parv!" He told me, grabbing one of my hands and shook it violently.

"Oh, err... Hi?" I mutterd, exchanging facial expressions with my brother.

He seems like a cool guy.

Oh, don't get me started!


Oh, nothing...

And, thus, ended our conversation.

"So, where are you living?" Leo asked. I paused, sweatdropping nervously.


"Wait, don't tell me you have no-where to stay!" Kogie jumped up.


I twisted my fingers together in some sort of knot, smiling sheepishly. Oh shiz, oh shiz, oh shiz...

"Wow. Where are you gonna sleep?"

Well, I'm not deep in shiz, I'm deep in shit.

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