A plan

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"..." Joker didn't answer. Instead, he fainted with no warning what-so-ever. Batman became very worried very quickly. He wasn't expecting this dramatic of a display.

"Padre? Is Joker okay?" Robin started to cry a little bit before asking "Is he dead?"

"What? No! He's not dead. He just fainted." Batman spoke to Robin trying to get him to calm down. Which to his surprise, actually worked. Robin walked over to Alfred and stood by him while Batman picked up a ruler from his work desk. He didn't want to take any chances, so he knelt down next to Joker, and started poking him with a ruler. He did this a few times, awaiting some sort of response.

Joker wasn't showing any signs of movement, and Batman wondered if he was even breathing. The Dark Knight began to panic. Quickly, he tried to listen to the clown's heartbeat. He wanted to make sure that he was alive, at least. Luckily, the prince was breathing. His heartbeat was steady.

Bruce began to search his head for any damages. The Joker didn't seem to suffer from any injuries, but that did not answer Batman's questions. What if Joker tells the cops? Or the News reporters? Or every citizen in Gotham? What was he going to do? He had no choice but to sit, and wait for the Joker to regain consciousness.

So, before he did as planned, he turned to Alfred. "Alfred, please take care of him? I'll be back in a moment."

Alfred simply nodded and did as he was told. He picked up the Joker, who was surprisingly light, and laid him under Bruce's blankets on his bed in his quarters. Then he tucked the clown in, took a seat, and waited for his master to return.

Robin on the other hand, was waiting in the study, alone. For it seemed that everyone else had a purpose except for him. That was, until he heard something downstairs. He jogged down the hallway, for he was not allowed to run inside the manor. He came around another corner and ran face first into someone else. He shut his eyes as he fell backwards limply, and prayed that it wasn't his Padre. Boy wonder cautiously opened one eye and looked in front of him. "Ms. Harley?"

Harley was feeling slightly dizzy for a moment. And forget about her aching head as she caught sight of the little birdie. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay little birdie?" Robin simply nodded, and asked the same.

"Yeah, i'm fine! Are you?"

"Yep!, Don't worry about me though, okay?"

Robin nodded again. Then Harley continued to speak "Okay. Hey where's everyone else?"

"Oh, Padre's somewhere downstairs. Alfred's in a room with Joker. And I feel like i'm forgetting something..." He trailed off for a moment before he remembered "Oh, right! The Joker fainted when he found out about Batman's secret identity."

"Oh my gosh is he okay?" Harley was freaking out a little bit on the inside.

"Yeah, Padre said he's okay."

"That's good at least, so he finally found out about Bruce?"

"Yep! We are supposed to leave Joker alone while he rests, so...what do you want to do?"

"Hmm...Do you have any popcorn?" Harley was forming a plan.


"Hot Chocolate and/or Soda products?"




"Are you thinking what i'm thinking?" Harley asked Robin with a smirk on her face.

Then they both answered in unison "Sleepover!"

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