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Namjoon paced behind the building expectantly. Jin and the others would be there soon to talk of their business. Starting up a gang in Seoul is relatively easy, but you've got to be careful not to get picked off by the older families, like the porvachi or neoji family. Namjoon's skills in marketing and finance made it easy for him to do what was incredibly hard for others; obtain territory. In Seoul, the porvachi family rules the north with their neoji counterparts they get their money by manipulating the power figures that live in the expensive north area. The east is ruled by several medium sized, but still powerful, old drug trafficking gangs that are known simply as "mob"... and the south is ruled by a Japanese family that immigrated during ww2, the hisoka family. The hisoka family has been around for more than 5 generations, and has a grip on the drug, political, and trafficking industry easily making them the most powerful family in Seoul. The west was relatively unoccupied, so it was easy for a genius like RM to score property there and to be relatively unnoticed. RM glances around nervously as he sees jin approaching with five other men. Each one is dressed immaculately, suits, ties, and a pair of red leather gloves (per his request.) RM had been watching them closely for the last few months, and was sure they were the ones. Seeing them walk down the alley towards him in the middle of the night with his contact, Jin, assured him that they would be the ones. They would be the ones to lead his gang under him. They would be the pillars of the Bangtan family.

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