September.1.Labor day

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September 1st Labor day

I saw Josh again today. I was walking up my porch steps when I felt someone watching me. I turned on my heel. A blond boy with hazel eyes was staring at me. And by that I mean really checking me out. Josh. I didn't know why he was always staring at me because he never talked to me at home and completely avoided me at school.

When our eyes met he flushed and closed the curtain. I also didn't know why he did that; looking at me and then closing the curtain when I stared back. Was I such a vomit inducing site that he just had to look away? Was my wretchedness making his eyes burn? I don't think I am ugly but I am also not all vain and self centered like Victoria.

I am of average height for a 14 year old and my eyes are a regular brown. I have strawberry blonde hair. My friend used to complain that I had enough lashes for 2 girls and that it wasn't fair. They also bullied the heck out of me. But that was in 8th grade so I expect my freshman year in high school to be a nightmare. Tomorrow's the first day of school so I'd better get to sleep. Buenos noches, mi amigo.

Sincerely, Kendra Mitchell

September 2nd

Today was normal at school. And by that I mean total*. I caught Josh staring at me during school. He avoided me like the plague the rest of the day. Victoria was being horrid again. On the first day of school! I mean, who does that? I don't know why she's always so mean to me. My mom says it's because I have something that she wishes she had. Not likely. She started hating me in 8th grade.

Total*= Total Chaos

Now that I think about it that's the same year that Joshua Mylar moved here and began to stare at me. Could it be that...Nah. Josh barely even speaks to me. How can she be jealous of what I don't have? That would be crazy!

Speaking of Victoria, she was pranking me nonstop all day. I'll get to that after I tell you what really got on my nerves. At lunch time she was talking to Josh. I was a little bit disturbed. Okay, who am I kidding; I was totally Jealous with a capital J. My blood was boiling so hot it thought I would explode. I had to leave the lunch room.

When I said she was talking to Joshua that was an understatement. She was shamelessly flirting with him! And I'm not sure he was flirting back but I know one thing for sure; Victoria Vincent has shown interest in Josh! Just thinking about it makes me angry! I don't even know why. It's not like I'm interested in him to or anything. Or am I? What if deep down inside I really am? That's scary. My mom's calling me for supper gotta go. Adios.

----Confused (and a little creeped out) Kendra mitchell


🌸Hello there!🌸

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Sincerely, Kendra MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now