Good Girl

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No Josh is not Harry Styles in disguise LOL. So dont even think about asking Harry Styles Fans. :)   xox --sarah--

Monday, september 15th

Dear Diary,

I don’t think I can trust josh anymore. He’s been shifty and flighty all weekend. Not answering my calls, avoiding my texts. It’s like we're back to square one again. Him: avoiding me

Me: trying to talk to him.

He doesn’t realize that it’s making me even more suspicious than I was before. He says he’s “sick”. Then why did I see him at school today? Sick people don’t get cured in less than 2 hours.

I was at the school library and I saw josh. So I decided to play a little joke on him. I texted him. On kik.


Kenny<3: Josh where r u?

Joshrocks</3: Im @ home sick


So he was going to lie  right in front of me. I saw him recieve the message. he paled, then shakily replied.


Kenny<3: mabe ill stop by. Im free last hour.

Joshrocks</3: No! Dont come!

Kenny<3: u dont want me? :(

Joshrocks</3: I do babe but its contagious :(

Kenny<3: Oh, ok :)

Joshrocks</3: Its nice dat u understand. thanx :)

Kenny<3: I understand dat ill just  give ur dad a message 4 u and soem chicken soup. ill stop by right now. :3

Joshrocks</3: No! Dont come my dad… is contagious too. :(

Kenny<3: Poor u. wat is dis sickness called again? :(

Sincerely, Kendra MitchellNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ