Chapter Two: The Asian One

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Quick A/N: I know that not every boy is single, but for the purpose of this story they are (for now that is). Thank you. Enjoy!

Will's P.O.V.

I was looking through my twitter mentions when I saw multiple coming up with the same YouTube link. Since all five of us were tagged, I assumed it was something worth watching.

Turns out it was a cover of Heartless by this band I had never heard of. They were called Vocal Noise and they were actually pretty good. I didn't know her name, but the girl singing the chorus was really cute. After they finished, I found out her name was Danny, which I assume is a nickname.

"GUYS! COME HERE FOR A SECOND!" I yelled out hoping the boys would come.

"Yeah Will? Is everything okay?" Cole asked while sitting next to me and looking at my laptop screen.

"Who died?" Dana questioned, entering the room.

"If it's not Batman, I don't care." Gabe joked and stood at the door.

"Come here. Where's David?" I asked and turned, my computer towards them.

"Who cares, there's a hottie with a body right there," Dana chuckled pointing at the one that I think was Kathy.

"Park," Cole said while obviously drooling over his own choice of female.

I hit the play button and watched their faces the entire time. HA! I'm pretty sure Gabe has the hots for Serena. His mouth was wide open the entire time she did his rap. "Cole I don't think a ship name is going to work for you two well," I laughed and tweeted out the video to our fans: 'Wow this is so amazing! They sound better than we do *laughing with tears emoji* (I'm on my laptop lol).'

"W-what are you talking about?"

"The one you're gawking at is named Nicole."

"I'm not staring at anyone!"


Kathy's P.O.V.

"Who is that again?" I asked which was probably a stupid question. Serena and Jai looked sickened and terriffied at the same time.

"I think he's the Asian one from the band that made the song that we just sing sang," Nicole told me.

"Half Asian," Jai corrected.

"Oh! The cute one!" Danny half screamed.

"You think every guy is cute," Serena joked, but it was partially true.

"DO NOT!" Wow. Danny is REALLY loud sometimes.

"Can we go to park nnnnooooooooowwwwwwww??" Nicole nagged.

"Anything to get you to stop whining!" I was already half way to the door as I heard footsteps of the group behind me.

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