Chapter Four: Wait...who? {Part One}

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(A/N: I'm so sorry that I didn't update guys! School is stupid and has consumed my life and left me in despair and lonliness and UGH! So as an apology this chapter shall be a little longer and have two parts. ALSO OMFG THANK YOU FOR 347 READS WHAT IS LIFE!? I never thought I would get that many with my small story. Thanks again.)

Serena's P.O.V.

I didn't hear what David said to Jaime, but she looks like she might have a heart attack. David rocked back and forth on his heels with a smirk on his face.

"I'm Danny by the way," Danny smiled and shook David's hand. "This is Serena, Kathy, and Nicole." She gestured to the rest of us. David smiled and waved. I looked over at Jai, who seemed very interested in the sidewalk beneath her...and is that a smile I see?

"Hey I have an idea!" David shouted which broke the awkward silence. "Since you guys happen to know of the boys, how about you meet them?"

"YES!" I didn't realize I had shouted until almost half of the park was staring at me. My friends started giggling while I told them it wasn't funny and punched Jai in the arm. She was laughing the hardest.

David chuckled and nodded. "Wanna go now?" He was gesturing behind him and the creepy stalker fangirl in me made note to remember the way.

Jaime's P.O.V.

"Yeah, sure," I mummbled looking up at David. My inner stalkerish fangirl decided to keep track of where we went. What? We would all do it.

David nodded and started heading in the opposite direction that we came. I walked beside him and everyone was behind us. After a few minutes, I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. I turned my head to the right, only to be met with sparkling chocolate eyes. My breath hitched in my throat, earning me a chuckle from David.

I glanced at his lips and bit mine. He glanced down at mine and then met my eyes. Smiling, he started talking about the boys and how much fun we could all have together. We walked with his arm draped over my shoulder the entire time to the band's house. Even though we were all talking, I felt like it was only the two of us. His laugh is so contagious, and he told me mine was cute. I forgot to pay attention where we were walking so I hope Serena was.

When we got to the house David opened the door for me and the girls. It was so big. Several "woahs," "oohs," and "aahs" were muttered.

(Mini A/N: Sorry for all of the point of view changes. I just want everyone's experience to be told, or at least the key parts.)

Cole's P.O.V.

After Will showed us that video, we were doing research on this Vocal Noise band. But not in a creepy way! I think...

Based off of some vlogs they had posted it seemed like they were living in Los Angeles. Okay now I felt like a creep. A small shiver went through me as I thought about the possibility of 5ers doing the same thing to us. Are we this easy to find?

My thoughts were cut off by the sound of the front door opening.

"There's David now," Dana said. He was walking to the door when he paused.

"What is it?" Gabe asked, only to be shushed by Dana.

"I hear voices...and they sound female."

We all shot off the bed and tried to listen through the door. We heard some admiring and praising and then David. "The boys must be upstairs. Be right back!" And then we heard David jogging up the stairs.

We ended up scrambling for the bed and tried to act natural, but Dana tripped on one of Will's many Pikachu plushies that he got from fans and faceplanted right as David opened the door. After making a loud thud, he tried to play it off by rolling onto his back and smiling up at David.

David just stared wide-eyed at Dana and chewed on the inside of his mouth, obviously trying not to laugh. He looked like he did when we tried to film that scene in #Bandcamp where Todrick drank OJ in his face.

It took him a while, but soon he cleared his throat. "Erm guys...there are some people downstairs that want to meet you." He ended with a chuckle, meaning he still wasn't over Dana tripping. I shook my head at him laughing but then paused. So did the other guys.

"You brought WHO over?" Gabe practically yelled.


"Are they a bunch of crazed fans?!" Dana was second to yell.


"I would love to meet them, but David...showing fans where we live probably wasn't the best-" Will was cut off by me.

"Please let David speak," I said while rubbing my temples. "There is probably a good reason why...right David?" I stared at him hoping for the best.

David shifted awkwardly and then spoke, "I was at the park and then this really cute girl ended up in my arms and I met her friends and they were all nice and they knew who I was but then Will was mentioned and then I realized that they knew of us and I decided that maybe Will would finally get a girlfriend...not that I wanted one..." That last part made me facepalm.

Dana was the first to move towards the door, "If these girls kidnap us or cut out your hair David, it's all on you." And with that he left. I was about to get up myself when I heard his sneakers screech to a stop. We could only see his back, but it was obvious he was frozen in place. He waved awkwardly at whoever was downstairs, which I guess were the mystery girls.

What was unexpected was him stumbling back in to the room, slamming the door behind him, and pressing his back against it. It was like he was trying to keep out some demons or something.

"Dude! What in the world?!" David tried to move Dana out of the way, but was pushed back by his leg.

Dana pointed at David with his shoe and said, "Hush!" We all stared at him and I guess he forgot we were there.

"Dana?" Will asked, who was still a bit shaken from the comments made about him a few moments earlier.

He looked at us and said, "It's them...It's Vocal Noise." Me and the rest of the boys, well the ones that knew what was going on, all stared at each other with our mouths wide open, while David just stood there clueless.

(A/N: I also hope that I can update again this weekend, because I'm going to be writing part two of this chapter right after I upload this. I just wanted to post. Hope you liked it and thanks again!!)

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