(Prologue) The Child

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This tale begins at a village not so far from the capital. The general Yorimitsu but mostly known around as Raikou had gotten word of group of Onis that have been spotted hovering around a small village where she and her troops had sped off to go dispose of these Onis.

As they arrived at the site of the reports they had found the village completely set up in flames. Oni wandered all around the area that seemed like it came straight from hell....a literal hell on Earth. Bodies in the streets being devoured as Oni laughed at their handy work.

"Make sure none escape." Raikou said as she narrowed her eyes and took off in the direction of a small group of Oni who were dancing around some mutilated bodies of women and children. Raikou knew Oni for their savagery and beast like nature, the nature she had grown to have with such an intense passion that her life was dedicated to their eradication.

Raikou and her men swept over the village like a storm as Raikou slaughtered the Oni who couldn't even fight back. The brilliance Raikou had with a sword and bow was something that devastated the Oni. She was a force of nature when it came to it and nothing was gonna stop her from completely annihilating the Oni.

After a what seemed like only a second but in truth it was a whole half an hour. Raikou stood there as she had Oni blood splattered on her leotard. Her eyes closed as she felt relieved yet like she had failed....if only she was faster she could have saved the people of this small village....that was until she heard a cry, it was faint but it was a cry. Her eyes opened quickly as she started to search the area rapidly. Keeping an ear out for the faint cries of what she now knew were a baby. Slowly Raikou got closer to the nose as she lifted some debris from a fallen house. As she moved the debris, under she found the baby who she had heard....it was tightly wrapped in a bundle of thin cloth as it had some blood splattered on it's face. A woman's body was laying next to the child as the sight melted her heart.

Slowly Raikou reached and lifted the baby as she held it close to her chest. The sight hurt but also presented an opportunity for her....Her dream to become a mother would come true with this. She would make sure she would give this child the perfect life. This she was gonna make sure of even if she had to give her life for it. 

Six years later

Raikou had raised the boy the become such a fine young boy. He was so cute and so loving that she could never get mad at him and only love him. Though he had never done anything bad in the first place. He went by the name of Torisutan Minamoto. A young boy with such a bright future but it would not be without it's roadblocks.

As morning creeped into the capital and illuminated the many rooms where in one laid two figures

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As morning creeped into the capital and illuminated the many rooms where in one laid two figures. The young Torisutan and well as he knew her, his Mama Yorimitsu. They often slept together due to Yorimitsus doting nature and Yorisutans very baby like nature but that's how he was raised. Not that either them minded it.

As usual Yorimitsu woke up as she yawned while smiling down at her baby boy. Slowly she started to stroke his cheek. "Wakey wakey, it's morning." She said softly as Torisutan didn't move a muscle. He was a heavy sleeper....well or so he'd like everyone to believe. In truth he just liked being babied but he was a growing boy and soon that would have to end but until then he would enjoy it.

Yorimitsu being the Mother she is gently kissed his cheek as she chuckled. "Come on Sweetie, wake up for Mommy." She said softly as she gently petted his head.

Torisutan slowly started to pretend to wake up as he yawned gently while rubbing his eyes as he smiled at her. "Good morning Mommy." He said softly as he hugged her as he did usually to which she gladly hugged him back.

"Did you sleep well Sweetie?" Yorimitsu asked gently as she gently rubbed his cheeks. A bright and happy smile on her face as she kissed his forehead. 

Torisutan nodded. "I slept perfectly as I always do." He said as he gently scooted to the edge of the bed. His stomach growled slightly as Yorimitsu giggled gently. She got up as she held out her hand.

She gently poked his stomach. "Let's go fill your belly." She said softly as she kissed his cheek while taking him to the kitchen. Torisutan nodded happily as he followed behind her.

These two were always seen together but slowly a war was starting up....well in truth it was continuing. The Oni were starting to become more and more hostile once again and Yorimitsu was soon gonna have to reenact her war effort. This would mean less time with her son and more time out on the battlefield. She hated the thought but knew it was needed due to her want to have her son live in peace. This would be the last day they spent normally together. Soon Torisutans life would lead him down a dangerous path that no one could stop. He will lose many and find out how hard and unforgiving life is but until then he was gonna be able to enjoy a little quiet time.

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