The Forging of a Young Warrior

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As morning arose on the capital as it always had, the silence became more apparent. The Oni hunts had started up from their long reprieve as Yorimitsu had taken a lot of time off to take care of her child but she knew she had to get back out there, she just had to start battling the Oni again.

She and her men left the capital to hunt down groups of Oni for slaughter. Torisutan though was pretty much unattended in the capital as the only people around were the caretakers but Torisutan never interacted with them. He spent his time wandering the halls while missing his mother. That would be until he heard a small chuckle and the faint smell of sake which to Torisutan was very strong. His sense of smell has always been strong and due to this, random smells were enough to draw him in. Torisutan slowly made his way down a number of halls until he made it to the garden. Torisutan wasn't allowed out here without Yorimitsu due to safety reasons but Torisutan couldn't remember it at the time so he went out anyways. His eyes scanning the area till a voice could be heard.

"My my~ so this is the young boy who was taken in by the cow~" the voice mused as it was coming from a nearby bench which Torisutan quickly turned to.

As his gaze fell on the bench he saw a beautiful young girl with short black hair and a more than revealing kimono on. A gourd sat next to her as she held a sake bowl in her hand. A nice smile on her face but what drew Torisutans attention was the women's horns.

That's when the thought dawned on him, she was an Oni. Torisutan though didn't run nor seemed scared as most people would be....he was infact quite interested. He wasn't scared of Oni due to a strange affinity with them that he felt. 

As the female Oni noticed he wasn't scared, she decided to see just how brave the little boy was. She slowly walked towards him as she drank from her thing of sake. "Aren't you a brave one~ I do have to say it's not all that bad~" she said softly as she came over and dragged her finger across his cheek. She then had her aura start to leak out to see if that would send the young boy packing but....I didn't, he remained exactly where he was as if he didn't seem notice her aura.

A small smile spread across her face as she chuckled to herself. "Maybe I'm losing my edge~" she said as in truth she had come there to kill Yorimitsus so called son. Slowly she raised her hand as she was gonna completely cut him in half with just her hand.

"You're very pretty." The young suddenly said as Shuten then stopped completely as her eyes narrowed. She was trying to see if he was lying or not but his eyes seemed completely truthful. A smile found it's way to her face as she lowered her hand.

She gently petted the boys head. "Aren't you just a weird one~ But I have to say it isn't so bad~" she said with a chuckle as she rubbed his cheek. "You may be able to provide me with some entertainment~" she purred out but before she could say anything more, a familiar voice called out.

"Tori, I'm here." It called as the sound of footsteps were getting closer and closer. It was his caretaker Kyrui. Shuten looked up as she heard the voice.

"hehe it seems my times up here but, before I go~ You must promise not to tell anyone I was here~" she said as she placed her finger on his lips while smiling. Torisutan nodded gently as he smiled softly.

With that Shuten took off as she left the garden right Kyrui walked in. Kyrui was a beautiful women with Raven black hair and crimson eyes that had a certain fire to them. She always told Torisutan stories and about a group of warriors that fought valiantly but she always told him about one Knight especially. She never named him but she called him the Radiant Wolf. Torisutan always enjoyed these stories and always wanted to be like the person in them.

Kyrui walked out into the Garden as she smiled. "How's my little Emperor doing?" She asked while picking up the small boy. Torisutan smiled as he hugged her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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