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Noah sat on the edge of his bed thinking, long and hard. It felt... wrong almost to not be around his best friend for this long. He missed the feeling of being around her and all the fun times they had together.

She really never got mad at him but when she did, it was much like this time. Not good. For the past couple of weeks, since it happened he couldn't help but feel so alone. He walked into the kitchen to get some lemonade and decided to call her, it wasn't late yet so it would still be acceptable.

He lifts his phone and with an unsteady hand, and an even more unsure mind, he searches her contact and calls it.


Aliyah walked with Tony back to his house. She felt a bit uneasy, she'd never met Tony's family before and didn't want to make a bad impression on them.

Tony carried on the conversation like there was nothing to be nervous about and Aliyah tried to mask her anxiousness by continuing to talk to him normally.

After passing Aliyah's house to get to Tony's, they were finally there.

Tony walked up to the door and rang the doorbell as Aliyah felt her heart banging out of her chest.

Within the next 20 seconds the door flew open and there was a middle aged woman standing there who Aliyah assumed was Tony's mom.

She had brunette hair and a kind face, a lot like Tony

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She had brunette hair and a kind face, a lot like Tony. Her eyes were blue though, but Tony's were hazel green. She wasn't very tall. Somewhere around 5'4 maybe.

She smiled at the both of them and hugged Tony briefly before turning to Aliyah. "Hi sweetheart. You must be Aliyah. Antonio has told me so much about you."

Aliyah was again the taken back by the fact that she kept forgetting Tony's full name was Antonio and not Anthony like she continuously called him.

She smiled back warmly and shook his mother's hand. "I am, it's so nice to meet you Ms. Jackson." Aliyah immediately gasped and realized that Tony's parents were not together anymore and that his father was remarried. "Oh my god, I'm s—"

His mom interrupted with a light chuckle. "Don't worry dear. You can just call me Claudia."

Aliyah nodded and sighed lightly. "Nice to finally meet you, Ms. Claudia."

His mother laughed at the formality of the statement while looking over at Tony who wasn't even trying to hide his laughter.

"Well come on you two. Come on inside,"

The second Tony's mom opened the door fully and stepped aside for them to enter, Aliyah was totally taken by surprise by how gorgeous his house was.

 "Wow, this is a beautiful house

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"Wow, this is a beautiful house." She said to no one specifically.

His mom smiled at her, "Thank you Darling." She then turned to Tony and softly asked, "Will you please call your sister down for dinner. I'm going to go finish up in the kitchen."

He nodded and turned to Aliyah as Ms. Claudia went off to the kitchen. "Hey Ali, you can just chill here for a minute. I'll be right back."

She nodded and watched him as he bounced up the stairs. As soon as he had left, Aliyah's phone began to buzz in her pocket. She reached for it quickly and saw that it was Noah calling. She shook her head gently before declining the call, just as Tony came back down with his younger sister, Delilah.

 She shook her head gently before declining the call, just as Tony came back down with his younger sister, Delilah

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She was very pretty and had brown hair and icy blue eyes like her mother.

She seemed to be analyzing Aliyah's features just as much as Aliyah was her's. But this only lasted a second before she bent over and waved to Delilah. "Hi there! I'm Aliyah."

Delilah smiled back at her and grabbed Tony's arm like she was shy. "Hi. I'm Delilah." The shyness seemed to be an act because what she said after that was anything but shy. She turned to Tony and asked boldly, "Tony! Is this your girlfriend? The one you're always talking about and hanging out with? Cause she's really pretty. I didn't think she would be this pretty."

Aliyah blushed slightly, compliments from little kids always felt so much nicer because everyone knows little kids really be saying anything they think.

Tony laughed as he looked from his little sister over to Aliyah. "Yeah it is! And she is very pretty. But she's not quite my girlfriend. I'm still working on that." He laughed, looking directly at Aliyah.

Aliyah didn't get any less red. And before she could say anything Delilah added back into it. "You're right Tony, that makes sense. A pretty girl like her wouldn't want anything to do with your ugly butt."

Aliyah let out a laugh, she didn't see that coming.

Tony snarled at her and lifted her off the ground, tossing her in the air. "Take it back!!" He yelled at her.

She laughed intensely before yelling back "Never!"

Aliyah stood there laughing as his mother came out from the kitchen and said "Ahh, so you've met Delilah. Hope she wasn't too much a little booger to you guys."

Tony put her down and she ran over to her mom. "Hey! I'm not a little booger."

His mom just laughed before announcing, "Dinner's ready. Let's eat!"

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