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It whatever at this point.
Yes I'm being dramatic or whatever
But I really don't care, I'm breaking apart slowly but surely

I'm going to be straight up honest.

Okay, I talk about you a lot, you are on my mind a lot, I tag you a lot. It probably getting old. And you probably not even gonna care about this but oh well. You. You treat me like a queen. You treat me like im important. You treat me in a way that i love and i want to cherish. Right now, I feel completely stressed. I'm having really bad, negative thoughts, and I ranted to you about this earlier. But I can't help it at all.
To me. And I know I'm not yours but you are to me. When you call me "babygirl", "my Queen", "wife". That makes me smile and blush really damn hard. Because it what I've always longed for. Someone to treat me right. And i love our bond we have. Like i said earlier, I don't want you to be unhappy. I want to give you everything, I want to make you happy, I want to tell you how I feel everyday. And it hurts when you ignore me, cuz I know sometimes you do. But you always make up for one way or another, and I love that. You make me the happiest. The cute messages. Everything. When you call, I can't help but smile. You care about me, i think you love me. And yeah. I don't want this to piss you off i just want you to know. Also, when your upset or when you aren't at your best. I worry, I worry a lot. My mind can't focus, and all I want to do is just make you feel better. And everything i tell you is true. How I cuddle "Devin" all the time. It's true and i just want you to know that. Sometimes, I do wonder what would I do if we actually dated. Not all the time, but sometimes. Another thing is, I'm sorry for apologizing all the time. I know it's annoying as shit but i can't help it. I know it's annoying as shit when I say I'm annoying. Just sometimes I need reassurance. I know I'm not the only person. You have a lot. And you give most of your time on me. And I don't want you to give every second of your life to me. That's not what I want at all. I just want to love you, call you cute names, send love memes to you, call you, cherish you, adore you, send you cute messages to make your day. That's all I want to do. I am grateful for having you in my life in general. Just please, don't leave, I'm scared to lose you..💜

Andy. I love you, and yes I do. You are there to help when I need you. You at there to comfort when no one else is atm. You make me laugh, you make me calm. And I like that about you. Not to mention you are random. But that is okay, I am too. You are like my closest friend. You are important to me. You where the first person I full out ranted to about my feelings and mixed emotions. And I'm soo grateful for that. But one thing, if i send you something cute, don't delete it :(. It shows my affection and all that. I don't send them tooo often but I do occasionally. Maybe. But still. You are an amazing person to have. That's why I only really fw you and devin. You two are the ones I trust the most. Yes I cry to much and yeah. And I have you to cry on, when no else is there for me at that certain time. And the whole poly thing? I didn't just say that so I could just date devin. I said that Because I wanted to date you both. To get to know y'all more. To appreciate y'all. I'd rather have you two as my first then anyone else. But that's slim. Anyways, I just care about you, and all that fun stuff..💚

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