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I didnt want to cry today, it was a good day for once. And just right when I was about go to sleep, of course that song^^ came onto my playlist

I haven't heard it in a long time and i let it play and it just hit so deep..to the point where I'm crying because of it..

I used to be the suicidal, cutting, bullied freak. 6th grade year to be exact..and I shit you not it was the worst year of my life.

I was bullied to much for comfort, I tried to hard fitting in, i was dramatic, I was dishonest, I was a thief, I even got into physical fights with both boys and girls. My heart was played with often, i would be considered as "used"

And that song reminded me of it.
I'd cut a lot, I'd try to do things that would harm me, I played risky with knives.

I was bad

Then it reminded me of last year, during the summer, I had a major break up and people hacked my social media. And I cut my self a lot back then, locked myself in a bathroom and everything. Not to mention My step dad was an asshole and did give a shit.

Hell, i think about it sometimes but I don't do it anymore. I will always be that suicidal hoe that 6th grade made me. I just won't physically show it.

But in all, this song triggered me and made me think of all of that..

So now, I'm going to cry myself to sleep..

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