Part One - A New Beginning

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*1st 3 parts written before Ep10*

I could sense him before I saw him. The Monster had returned. Across the room Q sat with Julia interpreting a Greek subtext about summoning some Greek god. A heaviness blanketed the room.

I was the outcast. The Monster had found me a few days ago. I was on a bridge, contemplating taking my own life when he appeared. He said he could smell my desperation and told me to come with him. Considering my options, I went. The others refer to him as 'The monster', I see him as my savior. He has a deep presence, but childlike in his innocence, as if he does not understand society or norms. Honestly, it's a breath of fresh air. He's real. Which is an attractive and rare quality in a man these days.

Soon after I had arrived, Julia cornered me and said the monster is a God who has taken possession of their friend Eliot's body. I was in disbelief, obviously, but, the way the monster moves and speaks, he seems to blink in and out of places. One minute we are on the bridge, the next in a loft and he acts like it's normal. They say he's dangerous, but he has been nothing but kind to me. He saved my life, how can that be evil?

Walking into the kitchen I touch his arm and ask if he wants a snack. He smiled, Lord how can someone with such a beautiful smile be bad? He nodded in acceptance of the offer and plopped himself on the counter. Picks up a cat shaped cookie jar, looks inside and his expression almost disappointed to find cookies. I smile to myself, thinking how funny his abnormal ticks are.

He announces to us that we must move forward with the summoning tonight because of the full moon. I am clueless as to what he means exactly and look to Q and Julia for clues. Q informs him they are not ready with the translation. The Monster gets angry, blinked across the room, picked Q up with his hands around his throat. Without thinking, I announced that the snack was ready, and he blinked back to the kitchen. Julia tended to Q flopped in the floor. She shot me a look that was a combination of thank you and anger.

The Monster and I sat at the table while he ate, seemingly unphased by what had just expired. Even seeing the event that I had just witnessed, I still did not fear him. I felt bad for him. He seemed to be so out of his element and these people really didn't seem to want to help him. Was he really the bad guy? Who even is this Eliot person anyway, maybe he deserved it?

I suggested to the monster that him and I should go get things ready at the site for the summoning and let Q and Julia alone to continue the translation. He agreed and seemed to like the idea of someone wanting to go with him. I assume that is something he has not had before, someone caring for him. He looked to me with a kindness in his eyes, took my hand and we blinked into a field.

We assembled the necessary ingredients, objects and readied the area. While we worked he revealed he didn't know who he was. He was trapped in this claustrophobic human body. He explained he was trying to get back to himself. In a moment of spontaneity, mixed emotion, I hugged him. He froze. It quickly became apparent that he had never been hugged, or shown any kind of physical affection before, he didn't know what to do. I told him it was ok, and I would help him to find himself. After all, he did save my life, so I felt, it was the least I could do.

Later that evening we were joined by Q, Julia and another man I didn't recognize. He was tall and dark. I stayed near to the monster while they clung to the edge of the field line. They eyed me in a way that made me uncomfortable, as if I was as evil as they thought the monster was. Whispering amongst themselves.

The man I didn't recognize spoke, it was time to begin. Everyone was to take their places. The Monster instructed me to stay back. I gently took his hand, gave him a small squeeze and told him to be careful, I will be waiting for him. He smiled and nodded, then tightly closed his eyes shaking his head, as though trying to make sense of a foreign feeling washing over him.

The summoning was like nothing I had ever seen. All of them chanting and doing these hand movements, the monster in the middle. I was still not sure what exactly they were doing, but watched in awe and amazement.

Flashes of light and a figure appeared within the circle, in a blur if movement I saw the monster had ripped though the man's chest and withdraw what looked like a stone. The figure crumpled to the ground and everything stopped. The ones that were chanting disappeared. Only the monster, the corpse and I remained in the field.

Before I knew what was happening his hand was in my chest. Warm, pressure filled my body. He withdrew his empty hand. Smiling, he seemed relieved, happy even. I asked him where the stone was. He replied, it was with the only former human he trusted. I felt my chest swell within. He trusted ME. I breathed in a new life. Just days before, I was going to take this life, now I felt as though I could conquer the world. A crooked smile crossed my lips, as my savior took my hand and we blinked to a roof top high above the humans.

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