Part Two - First Time for Everything

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* warning violence / sexual

The last week seemed like a dream on acid and speed. Though I was sleeping very little, I had energy like never before. My Savior explained that was due to the stone, that was now housed in my chest and it's power grew. I was starting to do things. I would think of an object and it appeared in my hand. My Savior found great joy in my accomplishments.

I had made a knife from the counter appear in my hand, he asked who I wanted to kill. At almost the same second I thought the name, I was at the person's house. He was next to me, grinning like a fool. He was encouraging this. He wanted me to kill this guy. I blinked into the house, found him and stabbed him over and over again until I was drenched in his blood. My Savior started clapping and beaming with pride as I stood over my 1st kill.

He announced that I was now ready. And we walked hand in hand out of the house and down the street in broad daylight, blood spatter dripping onto the pavement as we walked.

People started to look at us. With a flick of his finger each one went flying backwards. I gave it a try, the power! A flick if the wrist and anyone gawking in our direction was sent spiraling through the air. We both beamed at our accomplishments and blinked back to the loft.

At the loft we washed up and I was in the process of making him a snack. He loves his snacks, he has a thing for cheesy puffs and churros, Lord love him. He walked straight over the living room chair into the kitchen. Margo, I think her name is, had a snarky remark and I flicked my wrist sending her into the wall. No one disrespects My Savior. The look on her face was priceless as we grabbed our snacks, he embraced me and we blinked away again cackling about that sad look she had. Like this Eliot guy, they so desperately were trying to save, was still alive in there somewhere.

At the rooftop I inquired what he meant when he said I was ready. He explained that for him to take his true form that I had to accept the gift he had given me, grow its power and then we would have to be joined in a magical bonding ceremony. Where we would be bonded for eternity. Two halves of a whole, chaos and evil, a supreme power.

It felt good not to care. Not to have to live up to societal bullshit. It had felt good to kill my abuser. I wasn't sorry. I never had to be sorry again. This man, This God, before me saved my life. He gave me a life I never knew possible. A life where I never had to be afraid again. A life where I was the one with the power. We, had the power.

I kissed him. Like the hug, he was confused, he froze. I didn't stop this time. I felt as though I was on fire, I kissed him with all the passion, anger and power, I had been feeling in this new state. He conceded and pulled me into him, I felt him grow, I guess he's learned a human body has a few advantages. There, on the rooftop, we became one.

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