Part 4 - Embracing the Darkness

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Lock Ness Monster rose from the depths before us in a majestic wave. I stumbled backward, he grabbed my hand and steadied me beside him. Lock Ness was not pleased. It hissed and bellowed. My Savior, made his case. Reluctantly Nessy agreed.

Tomorrow on the shore of Lock Ness, we will be bonded.

I was given the task of cleaning and preparing the space, while he blinked back and forth bringing supplies, ingredients, all manner of tools. I busied myself with the task at hand. I needed to clear the area, lay a circle of stone and construct an alter. I started moving stones by hand, then remembered I had powers. Within minutes the area was ready.

My Savior had finished his task also. He looked pleased as he surveyed the sight before him. Silently we moved in unison, this here, that there. I could feel him, what he was thinking, not in words, but a knowing. It was another power. I wondered if he had the same sense? Maybe that's why he choose me?

As we finished the last placements the sun set. In an unexpected moment he took my hands and asked how I wanted to spend my last night as a human. The question stunned me. For the simple face that he verbalized care, and that, I had no idea what I wanted. No one ever asked what I wanted. Now, this thing, they called a monster, showed more care for me than any human ever has.

He could sense my indecision, smiled and blinked us into a prison yard. I looked around confused. Why had he brought me here? The men eyed me and creeped closer. He, just watched. One lunged for me, a flick of the wrist I sent him flying. Another, with a knife, I slashed him open as though the end of my finger was an invisible blade. The other men started backing up. I smiled. One after another I slit them open, gutted them with a mear thought, until there was no one left to kill. Everything was red. He walked through the yard to me, grinning like the Cheshire cat. He was pleased. I felt the Darkness taking over.

Back at Lock Ness he explained the last thing I needed for the ritual was to be covered in the dried blood of my own kill. The smell was invigorating. The gleam in his eyes when he looked at me drenched in blood, would make any mortals skin crawl, for me, it was a look of endearment.

In the partial moonlight the shadow of my body cast over the altar. It was time. He gently set me into place, the stone was cold on my skin as I lied down. He placed the stones around my naked body and lit the candles. Draping the blood soaked clothes on the head and foot of the altar, he then took a paste looking mixture and drew symbols on my body. The mixture was cold, but his hands were warm, he moved methodical, everything had to be perfect.

Nessy rose and bellowed to announce her presence and that she would begin. He was beside me chanting. They conversed in a foreign language. First he was to straddle me, then the rope, his wrists and mine above my head, putting body to body, skin to skin. Her chanting grew louder. I felt him enter me, as though our bodies became one. The stone burned in my chest, I screamed from the intense pain, but it did not stop. Flashes, whirling, my ears started to ring until I heard nothing else, the light so bright I clenched my eyes. I could feel him, all around me, holding me, being me. A rumble of thunder, a flash of lighting and it began to storm. The rain hit my skin and he was on top of me again. He thrust forward with such force I screamed. Nessy had summoned more creatures. Many beings were around us now, chanting. Faster and faster he went, the world started spinning. Thunder shook all around, lighting struck the altar, the ceremony was complete.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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