Chapter 3

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I am startled awake when i am slammed against the wall. All i hear is a blaring alarm, and see red illuminate the walls.

I quickly get out of my comfy bed and jog to the control room. I slam open the door and see almost every alarm going off, one sticking out to me was the engines.

"I just fueled the engines yesterday!" I say to myself.

I suit up and exit my shuttle clinging to the side i go to check out what's wrong. I notice the engine is about to go out, and see wires hanging from the side, along with a huge dent.

It must have been hit by a meteor while i was sleeping.

I pull myself back inside, i undue my tether but don't bother taking my suit off, and turn the alarm off with one of the many buttons in the control room so my eardrums don't explode. I switch off auto pilot and try to manually drive the shuttle in the direction it should be heading. With no luck, i hastily search for anything that may help.

After 10 minutes of searching i soon realize that I'm heading off course.

With one of the engines going out the other engine is pushing it the wrong way!

Panic starts within me and i realize i have to call the space station for help. As I'm running for the IP Phone, i try to call the space station for help but to no avail no one picks up. I try to call my family as well but no one picks up. "Why isn't anyone answering!" I cry out. I check my watch and realize it's 1 am on earth.

How long did I sleep for?

I go back to the control room and check out side the window. I realize that i am completely surrounded by meteors. I stare outside, frozen, as i have no idea what i should do.

As another meteor hits my shuttle i am suddenly knocked off my feet and slam my head against the floor, seeing black dots cloud my vision, i slowly let myself slip into darkness.

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