Chapter 23: Overworked

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Yay new chapter! I rewrote this like 12 times and I am still not happy with it (though this is the version I like the most). I will finish this damn book if it kills me.

Temptation was something designed for the mortals. Something used to separate the weak and the wicked.

Yet, Olympians—the gods—often found themselves at that same door. No better than the mortal woman who indulged in others, or the child consumed by greed, or the man who sought only a mirror. It was Athena who sought knowledge, Ares who sought blood, Aphrodite wanting passion and the pleasure that so often came with it.

All addicts.

All tempted.

All blaming one another for their own being.

Nothing separated mortals from Olympus other than a mountain and a title.

And here was the last god—one that had been consumed by his pride of not having fallen victim to such things—standing over that accursed mirror in the hopes of catching a glimpse of spring.

The darkness made the sun go blind and barriers made the wind go mute. Dew condensed into stagnant puddles that fell in reverse, floor to ceiling.



"Drop," she responded; not even Echo was permitted.

Bristles crunched under foot, not caring how it—once lively and soft—cradled her to sleep.



"Drop." Drip, drip, "Drop." Drip, drip—

"Drop," came a voice from the ether.

"What are you doing here, Hades?"

"I would have assumed you would have been more surprised?" The question hung in the air with the mildew. "Are you alright?"

"Do I look alright?"

"Truth be told, I cannot see."


He chewed on his lip, buying time to think. "You left Blu behind—"

"Keep him."


"Don't you dare call me that, Hades! Don't you dare pretend to be my friend after all that!"

"Persephone I—"

"I fucking screamed Hades! I screamed while Hermes dragged me away! Do you know why I kicked and fought like I did?" He refused to answer the question, fearful he was correct. "Do you?" Still nothing. "I would have rather been dropped in fucking Tartarus than this!" Persephone sobbed.

"I know," he whispered. "But you had to return."

"Why?! So you could be rid of me?! So you could pretend the abomination was locked back up and couldn't hurt a lily, let alone a human?!"


"Then why?!"

"So we could save the mortals. So we could pretend the seasons weren't fractured. So we could pretend Demeter was still alive."

"Well then good for you. Good for you and good for them and good for her. Now if only if it was good for me."

Hades wondered if it would have been worse to see the tears as well as hear them. Or maybe his eternal punishment for finally falling to temptation: only ever hearing the pain of a loved one.

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