Essay 15 8th Grade: Gum Essay

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To begin, gum helps people remember what they study and has many health benefits. If you chew gum when you study, chew the same flavor of gum when you take a test and it will help you remember what you study. Some people have tried it, they said that it worked. I kind of don't believe it but it might work. Older people prefer the gum flavors cinnamon or mint while kids and teenagers up to age fifty prefer fruity flavors. Gum can be attracting because of its colors if I was them I would choose all the neon colors for the gum to make it more attracting. Kraft foods made a type of gum which I call the multi flavor gum but in reality it is called "stride shift". Kraft foods gum changes flavors it starts out as a flavor and then changes to mint. Gum can reduce the chance of cavities, and strengthen the teeth if you chew sugar-free gum. People are making new gum in a factory all the time which I hate because when people put their gum in plain sight that is absolutely nasty and then it makes me lose my appetite.

Next, Jane Mason says that chewing gum after dinner tells your brain that you are done eating for the day; she does that because she doesn't want to miss out on a midnight snack. Most companies tell people that their gum whitens teeth to make you buy it. Gum is in almost every store. Every so often, the gum companies change the packaging. Next, they change the gum color to make it more attracting, so more people will buy it. Companies also design gum packages to fit in a girl's purse because gum apparently matters a lot to women. I think that companies design gum packaging to fit in a girl's purse because if not, the woman of planet Earth will sue the business because it fell out of their pocket and that is a waste of money. Jane Mason says that her dentist tells her to eat two pieces of gum every day which I am pretty sure that is a bad idea so I would not recommend it. It is a waste of money(not).

In conclusion, gum is a thing that everyone except Africa uses everyday and some people like it and some people do not like it. Gum can strengthen your teeth if you chew it a lot and it also makes your teeth white. Gum can be found all around the world and it can come in different textures and sizes. I do not use gum very often so do not come crying to me when you do not have gum at school. Gum has different health benefits which can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on if you like gum or not.

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