Essay 16 6th Grade: Sequence Essay(Super Bowl)

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It was the newest thing that all the boys wanted to do and that one thing was the NFL/Super Bowl and college football had started in 1880. In 1920 the NFL had completely formed. In 1960 there there were 12 football teams. In 1967 only 24 million people out of the entire U.S. watched the Super Bowl.

In 1975-1980 the pittsburgh steelers won four Super Bowls in six years. In 1989 Timmy Smith set a 100 dash super bowl record. In 1991 the new york york giants won 20-19 and in 2009 there was the longest touchdown ever recorded in the history of the super bowl.

In 2012 the ravens beat the 49'ers 34-31 and that was the 1st time the 49'ers lost. In 2013 it was the it was the tenth Super Bowl to be played in the New Orleans at the mercedes-Benz Superdome. In 2014 it was the seattle seahawks V.S. the denver broncos and it was one of the best games that someone posted the game on T.V. and it had over 24.9 million views.

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