Chapter Four

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Your POV-

We stared into each other's eyes, panting. His breathe tickled my neck as he cupped my face in his hands and gently wiped his tears from my cheeks with his thumb. I brushed the remains of his tears from his own face as well, which smeared his makeup on my fingers. He caressed my cheek tenderly and pecked me softly on the lips. His eyes didn't leave mine the whole time. And then he held me, strong arms around my shoulders letting me lay my head on his equally strong chest. That was one of the things on the infinite list of why I love him-- the way he held me. The way he rocked me back and forth told me he was remembering some rough times. I was too, but the way he swayed so timelessly told me that everything was going to be alright. And Yoongi was right. It was.

Yoongi's POV-

"Are you finished eating?" I stopped laughing. Was that one of those things girls did when they were mad?

"No, not yet." I said a little too fast. "I-I'll eat quickly." I really hoped she wasn't upset with me, but when she stood up, I thought I was going to get it. She had only gotten angry with me once before, but she wasn't mean about it. All she had done was leave the room and then had a serious conversation with me when I went to find her. I had never seen someone so kind and fair when they were mad, especially not me. She told me politely that she didn't like what I had said and when I apologized, she let it go without a second thought. Even if she wasn't horrible when she was mad, I still didn't want her to feel that way towards me. I was worried. "You're finished already? Jagiya, you barely ate anything."

"I'm not very hungry." I thought that was definitely something girls said when they were upset, but she didn't play the part. Instead, she giggled. "Jagiya, I'm not angry with you. I'm really not very hungry." She continued giggling. I guess I really couldn't read girls...

"Oh, good. I was worried this was one of those rare times where you actually got mad at somebody." She rolled her eyes and shook her head in a joking manner. We both laughed. She stood by the counter, watching me devour my food. A worse possibility came to mind.

Flashback- Two Years Ago

I stared down at her thin chopstick legs. That was people called them at least, because it was literally just skin and bones, so the girls with them looked like their bodies were attached to the eating utensil. Many women found it attractive, but it made me sick to my stomach. Not because of the way they looked but more because of how rare it was to have them naturally. Most people starved themselves to get that look. That's why so many Korean girls have eating disorders. Y/N didn't look like that before. A few days ago, I accidentally walked in on her changing. She was only in her bra and underwear and before she could cover up, I saw her ribs poking out against her skin, same with the bones on her arms and legs and the rest of what I saw. When she turned around, I could see bones of her spine as well as the rest of her rib cage that showed from behind. The only places she had fat on her body were her butt and her breasts. It worried me.

After thinking about it for a couple of days, I had finally summoned up enough courage to ask.

"(Y/N)?" We were sitting on her bed watching Modern Farmer. She loved how FTISland's Lee Mongki acted, so that was her favorite drama. Aside from that, it was really funny and a bit romantic, so she thought it was cute. She turned away from Mongki's face that illuminated the screen and looked at mine instead. "I- I'm sorry about walking in on you the other day. It was an accident."

"It's okay. It must have been scarier for you then it was for me." She laughed. "I would be more scared walking in on a fat girl changing than being walked in on." The only person she was ever mean to was herself. And to herself, she wasn't just mean, she was brutal. No matter how amazing she was, she was the only one she hated and that was the only part of her that I disliked. I really wished she could appreciate and love herself like she did everyone else. This though was the worst. If she really thought she was fat, it could put her life in even more danger. I took the remote from her hand and turned off the TV. I didn't care if I was being polite. This wasn't going to stop if I wasn't brutally honest.

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