Chapter 2

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Rieal's P.O.V
I stood outside the main sitting room of the Hobbit Hole. Gandalf and the Hobbit were quietly conversing. I only caught a few words. Took, adventure, fear. How could one be not afraid. Dragons are not to be taken lightly.

"It seems that our burgler does not have much of a history of adventuring."

I glanced over my shoulder. The old dwarf Balín stood behind me. Turning, I faced him out of respect.

"Hello Master Dwarf." I said quietly.

The dwarf smiled kindly at me. "No need for formality's. I do not assume the worst of all Elves I meet."

I smiled at him. I liked this one. "A large relief, Master Dwarf."

"Balin, dear. Just Balin. As what experience in adventuring do you have. Lady Elf." The last bit was a tease.

I smiled as glanced back at Master Bilbo. The thoughts of Legolas and I as young elves braving the Forest Mirkwood came to my mind. "Quite a bit of experience."

"Ah, a good thing lass. Of what elvish descendant are you?" Balin inquired.

"Of Mirkwood. I was born and raised in the palace halls of King Thandruil. I serve in the King's guard."

"Excellent. Although I can"t say that I have food feelings towards the King."

I grimaced lightly. "Nor do I."

Balin looked surprised. "Were you alive at the time of the loss of the Lonely Mountain?"

"Yes I was. Although I was still an elfling. I was not yet serving for the king."

"ah I see." Balin was silent as we watched Bilbo and Gandalf.

"And uh, if you don't mind my asking, of what rank do you serve."

"I am training for Captain of the Guard." I said immediately. This was the lie that Gandalf had suggested I sat. Although it was not necessarily a lie. Our Captain of the Guard, Tauriel, had trained with my brother and I. The three of us had been a force to be reckoned with in our younger years. Legolas and I lead small forces that protected the woods. But Tauriel was our Captain of the Guard; in the eyes of our father, only a little below my brother and I in rank. The King had expressed wishes that I be trained to succeed Tauriel as Captain of the Guard. I saw no need to be trained, as I already commanded a group of soldiers. But my father insisted.

"Training for Captain of the Guard! That is indeed an honor." Balin exclaimed.

I smiled. "Yes. I should succeed in the next few years."

"Few years? Or few thousand years?" Balin teased.

I chuckled. "A few thousand I assume. But I hadn't been counting."

A sudden voice interrupted Balin and I's good natured conversation.

"Balin." It was Thorin. He glared at us from down the rounded hallway. He spoke no more, but gave a jerk of his hand, indicating he wished Balin to come speak with him.

Balin nodded and turned towards me. He gave me a polite bow that I returned. "It was a pleasure talking to you. I hope we will become more acquainted over our trip."

"I do as well Master- uh, Balin." I responded.

He smiled and walked away.

I stood for a moment, unsure of where I would be staying. Before I could decide, Gandalf was at my side.

"Well my dear Rieal, how are you feeling about the adventure?"

I chuckled and looked to the old wizard. "As of now? I am not sure. I can't tell if I will be shunned or accepted."

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