Epilogue II

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The alarm sounded like a fire department bell. Jisoo reached out a hand and slammed it down, missing and flipping the clock onto the floor where it kept beeping in the most annoyingly insistent fashion. Groaning, she reached down and flipped it off.

She flopped back on to the bed, head pounding and throat red-raw, wishing she didn't have to get up. Burying her head in the pillow, she sighed and closed her eyes, aching for ten more minutes' sleep before work. She could hear Jennie's soft, sleeping breathing in the bed next to her and smiled. It still made her smile after all this time.

Jisoo's eyes flew open. The bed next to her was empty, which couldn't have been a good sign because Jennie practically never got up before her. She wondered why her sleep button hadn't activated. She rolled over. Her eyes felt scratchy and her throat was burning. The pit of her stomach churned and her head was awash with pain. There was no doubting it: she was sick. Moaning a little and feeling more than a bit sorry for herself, she managed to haul herself to her elbows and then sit up. The room spun precariously and she steadied herself, eventually swinging her feet over the side of the bed and considering standing up. A sharp pain in her stomach made her gasp.

"I don't think that's the best idea you've ever had," she heard Jennie drawl from the doorway. Jisoo looked up to find the woman she loved walking towards her, hands folded across her chest.

"Back in bed with you." Jennie pushed her gently backwards on the bed and swung her legs up, tucking the blankets around her warmly and sitting down on the edge.

Jisoo spent a few moments revelling in the soft touch of the brunette's hands on her forehead, and then mumbled, "I gotta get up." It was followed by a cough. "I have work to do."

"Since when was your job infecting the populace?" Jennie asked teasingly. "You're sick and you're staying home today."

"I can't!" wailed Jisoo. "I have meetings I have to go to and projects whose deadlines are getting way too close!" Looking miserable, she tried to haul herself up, but weakness won and she flopped back down.

"Uh-huh," Jennie replied, completely unconvinced. "I'll give Hanbin a call. But you're going back to sleep."

"Don't leave me," Jisoo mumbled, hating being sick and sounding pathetic. She felt Jennie lean over and kiss her forehead, smoothing out the frowning wrinkles and brushing damp tendrils off her face.

"I'll be right back, okay?" the brunette said softly, brushing her hand down the Jisoo's flushed cheek. "I promise."

Jennie dashed off down the stairs and Jisoo rolled over into a ball. Her head was spinning angrily and her body was rebelling against her senses, waves of hot and cold warring. Her skin hurt. She hated being sick. Closing her eyes for a moment, she waited for Jennie to return, and drifted into deep sleep almost immediately.

When she next woke up, she was curled up on her side and she could feel a hand warm on her back. It was gently stroking the hair at the nape of her neck. Looking up, she found Jennie, pen in mouth and reading glasses cutely propped on her nose, reading some file and absentmindedly touching her. Jisoo snaked out one hand and slid it along Jennie's abdomen, pulling her closer. She was greeted with a soft smile.

"Hey," the brunette said, eyes gentle and warm. Jisoo lost herself in their deep chocolate goodness for awhile. "Are you okay?" Jennie looked concerned.

"Mmm," Jisoo mumbled, her thinking not very clear. She felt awful. She lay on her side, bright feverish eyes gazing into the distance as Jennie leant down, laying the back of her hand on Jisoo's cheek.

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