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warning: suicide. I edit it for a class project, I think it's a bit better now 

It was cold, really cold. A breeze flew by him as he walked down the dark road, making him shake even more. Everything seemed gray, there was no color on the buildings, no color on the roads. No color on him. Dark clouds were forming in the sky, it was going to rain soon. Just his luck. No one noticed him, even if they tried. he blended in with the depressing colors easily. That's how he liked it.

Small drops of water were beginning to fall, soon he would be drenched with those drops of water. But he kept walking, nothing could stop him. Not his acing stomach begging for food, the killing headache or his shaking and tired body. He knew where he was going, and he was going to make it, nothing could stop him.

He was completely drenched, tired and hungry, but he could see his destination. A small smile curled up his stiff almost frozen lips.

It was so cold that the rain had started to turn into some weird kind of snow. But he didn't care. He was there, standing at the bridge, looking over the water. The sound of cars driving by now and then could be heard in the background. He couldn't hear it, all he could hear was the thoughts in his head screaming at him to jump.

Crawling up on the slippery fence of the bridge, with the weird rain/snow still falling, he looked over the ocean once again, looking at how long there was down. The dark ocean was normally scary for him, but at this moment he felt welcomed by it.

What's done can't be undone.

With that thought, he stepped forward and fell.

Everything seemed to slow down, the rain was almost completely still, he was falling so slowly. Every sound was gone, the screams were gone, he couldn't think. He was numb.

All he wanted was to hit the water and finally be gone.

So many years of thinking, dreaming of this moment and now he was there.

When he hit the water the little smile on his lips grew. The water was cold, but his body was numb, he couldn't feel anything at that moment, and soon he wouldn't be able to feel anything, forever.

Breathing in the water hurt, but the thought of dying made it barrable, almost comfortable. With burning lungs and a killer headache, he was gone, and he couldn't be happier.

sorry for any mistakes. if you have any ideas to make this feel more real, feel free to hit me up.


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