Stupidity and Ignorance

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don't think there are any triggery things in this one

don't think there are any triggery things in this one

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the world was changing, and not for the better. The technology for weapons was getting better, they were getting stronger. Too many people were dying, losing family, friends, lovers. And no one cared, at least, no one did anything about it. We all cared, the families that were losing children that were losing lovers.

The weapons were way too strong for us to do anything about it, us that were losing everything.

the world was going under, it was falling apart. Almost all the building was rundown and broken, at least where I lived. We were all hiding in fear of dying. We were all afraid of going outside. Afraid to breathe.

living in a small rundown apartment with five other people wasn't the life we wanted to live, but there we were. There were some places where you could buy food and water, but it was hard to find jobs for the money, find schools for the kids. We were living like hell and it was all because of the weapons that the humans were using, using for bad, used to destroy the world.

There were so much they could have used it for, so much good. But people were greedy and wanted power, wanted land. They wanted more and more, overlooking the fact that the world was going under. But it was. And fast. They were killing the people that made them weapons, they were killing the people that made them food, killing the people that gave them the things they needed to survive. They were just killing all the people. They didn't see that the world was dying. They didn't see that they were killing it with all the garbage they left behind.

And soon, sooner than we wanted, the world died. Us that was living in the trash they left behind was ready for it. But they weren't. And they got what they deserved.

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