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I wrote this a long time ago, just found it. hope you enjoy.

It was cold really cold; the rain didn't help at all, taking my arms around my body to try and get just a little warmer while Walking home from yet another failure of a date. I've been on many dates these couple of weeks, but none worked. It was always, meet up, talk, get rejected. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Walking down the road with my completely soaked clothes that stuck to my skin, a horrible feeling if you ask me. I had a jacket on, and I can't wait to get it off. With the wet clothes under it and the soaked jacket over it, it was horrible, straight up dreadful.

I was getting closer to my apartment. My body was shaking so much it was hard to walk. When I could see my apartment a small smile appaired on my lips. With shaky hands, I opened the door.

I could barely walk up the stairs, I was shaking so much. The clothes didn't help my conditions. I was so going to get a cold. With a shaky body and wet sticky horrible clothes, I opened my door, almost running into my apartment. Getting into the bathroom and stripping down as fast as I could. And getting into the hot shower.

It was so amazing, the nice warm water hitting my freezing body. I was Standing in the shower for almost an hour, it felt wonderful, the hot water hitting my body was just what I needed. Getting out of the nice and warm shower, that I really didn't want to get out of. Taking some night clothes on, that felt really nice when it brushed my skin every time I walked. Making a cup of tea and taking a blanket over my body. Sitting so I could see the rain and petting my cat.This turned out to be an okay day after all.

sorry for any mistakes.

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