⛑Chapter 22: Medical Emergency⛑

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[A/N: Edited]

"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!"

Arata yawned silently and sat up in his bed. He glanced around and sighed. As he stood up, he felt a pounding sensation in his head.

He felt nothing but pain as he stumbled forwards. This sudden pounding began to greatly effect his sense of balance.

Before he knew what was happening, he was falling backwards. Darkness engulfed him entirely.


That morning, only a few students showed up to breakfast.

Atsu, Sara, Ren, Riku, and Kotori.

Ren found this to be strange, but he didn't question it. Everyone had their own things to do, and he could respect that. He was simply focused on Riku at the moment, who had yet to look up from his food.

Ren watched him carefully, looking for any signs that the boy was willing to talk to him. As the oldest of a large family, he always had a natural affinity to protect those who couldn't do so themselves.

'You poor thing. I can only imagine how this is all affecting you. But don't worry. As your friend, I'll be here for you.'

Ren reached out and gently took Riku's hand in his own. He made sure to keep his grip loose in case Riku wanted to pull away. However, Riku only held his hand tighter.

The botanist felt relieved when Riku finally began to gain a bit more strength.

"Make sure you eat well, Riku-chan. I'll be here till you finish." Ren said.

Riku nodded and hesitantly let go of Ren's hand in order to finish his meal.

Ren took this time to look around the cafeteria. He had never gotten to know many of his other classmates. He had been meaning to but he might have just simply forgotten.

He spotted Kotori sitting with Sara. That was an odd pairing. Although, he was glad that he classmates were growing more fond of each other.

'With our classes friendship, I'm certain that we won't fall to despair.'

Ren looked off to his other side and noticed that Atsu was eating by himself. That was also strange.

Atsu always seemed to get along with almost everyone. It was blindly obvious that something was happening between him and Koharu. But that was irrelevant.

Ren kept thinking up possible theories in his head. Perhaps Atsu was staying distant because he was paranoid of his hearing loss. Unlike Ren, Atsu couldn't read lips(as far as he could tell), which made it hard for him to communicate with everyone.

'This motive is very unfair. I wonder what Monokuma's reasons for doing this was. Maybe he needed something a little more dangerous to push us forwards.'

Ren suddenly realized another thing that was strange. Where was Arata? He's never missed breakfast before.

'Maybe me and Riku-chan can go check on him after Riku-chan's done eating. He is our closest friend.'

Ren decided on it by the time Riku finished eating. The botanist reached forwards and grabbed Riku's empty plate and headed back to the kitchen to put it in the sink.

When he returned to Riku, he began to speak. How did he know he was speaking? Because he felt the vibrations of his own vocal chords.

"Hey Riku-chan, Do you want to go check on Arata-kun? He's normally here so I thought maybe he slept in or something." Ren said.

Danganronpa: Rapid Fire(Original)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora