👻Chapter 24: I Must Be Dreaming Cause I Don't Believe In Ghosts👻

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[A/N: Edited]

Arata was the first one to move after what seemed like forever. He gulped and entered the room. As his eyes looked over Yukio's body, he began to feel an overwelming sense of dread.

The Ultimate Mad Scientist was sprawled on the floor. Everything about him almost looked normal, and then there was his face. Or, the place were his face should have been, looked like it had come straight out of a horror movie.

There was a large hole in Yukio's face. The inside of his head was exposed, including part of his brain. It looked like something had melted right through the front of his face. Shockingly, the only blood around him came from the small glass shards that were lodged in the remaining parts of his face.


Arata was brought back to reality by the voice of Haru's puppet. When he looked back at her, he was surpised to see that Haru was looking directly at him, not at the ground. What was even more surprising was the face that she looked...scared? The change in her face wasn't much, but it was enough for him to notice.

"Arata-kun! What happen-"

Kotori stopped when she saw the barely recognizable corpse that lay on the chemistry lab floor.

"Oh...dear lord...." Kotori trailed off.

"Wh-Why did the b-body discovery ano-"

Riku made a sharp turn in the opposite direction the second that he laid eyes on Yukio's body. He had his hands over his mouth, apparently trying not to throw up.

"What on earth...Arata-kun, explain." Sara demanded, pushing past the rest of the students so that she could get to him.

"I...I don't know...I don't understand why he's here....is that even allowed? Two people being killed at the same time?" Arata asked.

"It sure as hell is allowed!" Monokuma said, having just appeared.

"Hang on. Won't this effect the trial? If two people are dead, then there could be two different killers." Kotori said.

Monokuma tapped his chin, seemingly thinking.

"It won't effect the trial one bit! If it turns out that there are two killers, then you just have to find one of them. If you manage to vote for one of the killers, then they'll be executed alone and they other killer will get a free pass! Upupupu~"

"Hold on! That isn't fair!" Haru's puppet protested.

"Life's not fair, kid. You better get used to it. Now hurry up and investigate! I'm getting bored already." With that, Monokuma disappeared

Everyone stood there in complete silence.

"It seems that the stakes are raising. As this game progresses, people are becoming restless, as well as merciless."

Everyone looked back at the Ultimate Luckster, who had just appeared behind the group, followed by Yuu. He made his way to the front of the group, pushing past Arata and into the chemistry lab.

"Investigating this crime would be useless, but it might make the trial less boring so I suggest that you all don't waste anymore time. Katsune-san. Check the Monokuma Files. There might be something useful in there." Kichino said.

Arata was hesitant to follow the other boy's instructions. He pulled out his Monopad and read the file aloud.

"Victim: Yukio Samuru

Estimated Time of Death: 11:40

Body was found: In the chemistry lab

Cause of death: Lethal exposure to toxic chemicals

Danganronpa: Rapid Fire(Original)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang