Chapter 1

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    Ventus sat in front of the mirror. It was about noon around the time Sora, his twin, would come home from school. Was he just seeing things? He was sure he saw something, no, someone in the mirror. He continued to sit there, staring at the mirror waiting for something to happen again, but nothing did. Ventus got up off the floor and over to his desk. His desk was the only messy space in his room, so it took him a while to find a blank piece of paper and a pen. On it he wrote "Hi" in nice handwriting. He sat the paper on the floor in front mirror, looking back at it. Was there really anyone there, or was his mind playing tricks again? He decided to figure it out later when Sora was around. Boredom caught up to him as now he didn't have anything to do. He couldn't pester Cloud or Leon since they were on a trip together. He heard the front door open and shut. "Hey, Ventus you there?" Sora's voice rang from downstairs. "Yea." "Well, want to come get ice cream with me and everyone else?" "Sure!" Ventus ran to his closet and threw on the first jacket he found. When he reached the bottom step and found Sora waiting. "Dang record time, Ventus. Have you ate today?" Sora raised a brow. Ventus hated these questions. He understood that Sora cared, but its not like he means to. "Yes, I did." "Okay good." With that they headed out for ice cream.
     "So Ventus, anything interesting happening lately?" Axel looked towards Ventus. Ventus was tempted to talk about the mirror, but decided against it. "No, not really. Being at home gets boring." "Maybe you should trying drawing, it always helps me. Here, give it a try." Namine passed her sketchbook over to Ventus. He looked at then back at her, she nodded, telling him it was okay. He picked up the pencil and started drawing. Everyone else had entered their own conversations, while Namine and Kairi watched him draw. When Ventus put the pencil down the sketchbook was lifted from his part of the table. "Oh my god....that's gorgeous!" Namine's eyes sparkled as she placed the book in the middle of the table. "Guys look!" As everyone looked at the picture, they all looked at it in awe. In the middle of the paper was a simple mirror with a person on either side. He hadn't realized he had drawn the events from earlier. "Either his imagination is growing oooorrr the hallucinations are getting worse." Kairi states as she sipped from her drink. "Kairi!" "What its true. Knowing our luck, they're getting worse." She shrugged her shoulders as she continued sipping her drink. She stood up from the table and walked out of the shop. "Good riddance, she doesn't know how to shut her mouth sometimes." Namine shakes her head in annoyance as she but the sketchbook back in her back. "Whatever they are Ventus, I like the drawings. So if they are, keep having them at this point. I feel like its helping you more than holding you back." Namine also got up and left saying she had to head to work. Everyone after a while also parted ways, the twins heading home.
     When Ventus reached his room, he walked to the mirror. Nothing changed it was the same way he left. He walked to his bed and plopped down. After a day of random, he passed out and fell asleep. 

A/N: Hiya! How ya like my new book? Actually feel confident with this due to knowing so far in advance what I want to do. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it.

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