Chapter 4

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Ventus POV

     I was actually arriving excited arriving to the ice cream shop. I got to show new things to people. My brother had nicknamed them strange, while I found the unique and interesting, epically Vanitas. He seemed to block people out, cept' for ones close to him, while he easily accepted to go to place with people he's never met. He also didn't seem quite alarmed, waking up somewhere else than his own room. 

     As Sora pulled up to the shop, he made the final warnings of everyone being different and some strange. No warning for Kairi though. I led them into the building and to the usual table. Vaitas sat by me and Roxas by Sora. Namine brought out her notebook and sat on the other side of me.

"Hey Ventus, why don't we practice your art? I want to see what else you can make. Like trying drawing someone from the table." Namine handed me a pencil and the notebook and gently smiled. "Come on Ven, I like your art so pleaseee." 

  I stared at the paper and looked around the few people at the table. My eyes landed on Vanitas who was staring out the window. He wouldn't notice so he was the easiest to draw. I started letting my hand glide along the paper drawing soft and darker lines as I drew him. Half way through Namine, Roxas, and Sora had begun to watch. When I was finished the drawing, I pushed in the middle of the table.

"Wow. He looks better than he'll ever be in real life. It's pretty sad." Roxas commented. This of course brought Vanitas's attention back to the group. 

  "You guys need to scoot over if anyone else is gonna fit at this table." Axel chimed in. Beside have the group stood including Kairi. 

"Sorry, we weren't paying attention Axel, we were looking at Ventus's drawing, as Roxas here I guess, insulted it, and indirectly insulted Vanitas." Sora pointed at the other two brothers.

"He did what?" Vanitas's gaze snapped down to look at the picture.

"Namine can stay sitting beside me, I don't want to deal with Kairi." I whispered.

"Of course."

   The next few minutes was the whole group trying to fit at the table. In the end we had to grab a couple shares from a different table. The introductions were passed in between everyone. The topics grew slim to Namine's pleasure. Once every topic was out, Namine proposed her idea to the table. I feared greatly.

"Let's play a question game, not just for Vanitas and Roxas but for everyone." She looked around for objections, yet none were given. 

  Questions passed around of basic questions like favorites and things people hate. Then Kairi got her turn and the question everyone dreaded came, well except Vanitas and Roxas.

"So Ventus, honey. When will you admit the hallucinations or when will they stop, cause quite frankly they are annoying to deal with." Her face hid a smirk as everyone glared. Everyone knew it was going to happen once it was her turn.

"What is wrong with Kairi! WHy would you ask something like that? What would or sister say if she was here!?" Namine went off at Kairi as I now found new interest in the notebook. The arguing continued making me uncomfortable.

"You want to leave don't you?" Vanitas whispered. All I could do was nod , not trusting my own voice. 

Next thing I knew was I was being led outside while the arguing continued. Vanitas quietly led me to Sora's and stopped by side it.

"We can sit here til you calm down."


   The silence might of killed, if I was okay. Yet I saw what I saw every time. The small creatures that would snuggle against my leg or arms trying to comfort me. There were fewer than the other times, but that probably cuz some else was here. I would pet them, though it would look strange, since Vanitas couldn't see them.
    It must have gotten darker or I fell asleep, whichever it was. I was kind of thankful for Vanitas arriving and then helping me. 

Welp This is probably very short. Also don't know why im making Kairi a bitch either but she is. I guess I needed to add in some drama or somethin 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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