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Treasure of the Soul

Part 6


The jacket was tossed to the side. Danielles lay on her stomach looking into the water. Small fish floated through dodging left and right when someone stepped near them. A large waterfall off to one side showering them with mist. It felt so good after all that humidity and bugs. Her hair lay flat against her back as she leaned back trying to soak up the suns rays.

"Wow she's gorgeous." One of his men said. He turned to look at him. A smile on his face. "Wonder if she'd let me paint her?" He said putting another bucket full of water into the bucket.

"Yeah...and she's danty...just like what I imagined a goddess to look like." Another said looking up at Zareth. "Just like what I figured the Bountys Captain would look like." He laughed. Zareth rolled his eyes as he climbed a tree. His sword chopping the bundles of banana's down from the canopy. They fell to the waiting arms of another man.

"Yo Cap! Can we has a song sir?" The woman with short black hair said.

"If you gots the voice Nya sings to your hearts content." Zareth yelled after them. Danielle looked up at them. SHe often heard the people rowing singing but never got to see it herself she was to stay in her room and be a good girl. If she left or tried to escape she would be beaten. It happened often. She watched as they began to sing and dance as they worked. It made them go faster. Zareth even joined in dancing and singing too. There was a small fire that was set as they worked so they could close the barrels properly. Zareth walked over to Danielle with a plate with meat and fried banana's on it. He held it out to her.

"Hungry?" He asked. She looked at the plate recoiling from it. "Its alright...I didn't poison the was caught right here." He said looking down at her.

"Fish?" She asked looking at it and took a bite of it. She gasped and started to gobble everything down.

"Whoa whoa...Danny not so fast you'll just choke on it." He pulled the plate back only for her to run after it. He spun around laughing hearing her making grunting noises as she chewed the food she had in her mouth. "When was the last time you ate?" He smiled to himself as she chased the plate.

"Week...maybe more." She said. He stopped sitting down on a rock.

"No wonder your so tiny." He breathed out letting her eat her fill. "How dare aren't just some...animal." He watched her clean the plate. Even licking the plate before taking the cup of water and downing it too. Zareth chuckled pulling out a cloth and started to wash her hands, and face.

"Apologies...I just...was hungry." She said. Zareth shook his head looking out of her.

"Never apologize for something so innocent." He said. Shots rang out.


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