Chapter 24: Whats to come to me

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Treasures of the Sky

Chapter 24

Whats to Come of me

Zareth saw the arrow flying through the air and hit the deck. He didn't think much of it, as it happened all the time during battles. Yet the way Danny jerked to one side and the green color of her caused him to act.

"Get that arrow out of the plank boards!" He called out. Lloyd jumped up and grabbed the arrow and threw it into the water. He turned around to see the soul being held by Zareth. Her face looked ten inches from the grave.

"" Her eyes were sunk in, she had a ghostly glow to her. She looked up at Zareth. Although her eyes were unseeing. It was as if she was having a waking dream.

"Turn back...I can't...can't do this without her." The ships brow was burning green.


The cove wasn't too far off. The others followed behind, giving them a wide birthe as they anchored off shore. The Bounty disappeared into its usual mooring area. Zareth carried Danny down the plankboards and over to a large pile of gold. He sat down and looked down at Danny. She was curled up tightly under his coat. Her eyes opened and looked up at him.

"I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I wanted nothing more then to feel your heart beating under me. All I have ever wanted. Arms to hold me," She took a deep breath. How did this happen so fast? He was losing her to an arrow...not just any arrow. A ghosts arrow.

"Mind you Captain, it ain't gonna kill her. Its just going to put her out...make her'll have to go back for her soul." Someone said. Zareth looked up at the soul that sat on a pearl encrusted box. He knew that within was a sword covered in pearls. The soul's name was Dandy and she was one of Danny's youngest sisters. Her soul was found on another ship that had been beached and left. Although she said she was placed there for him to find. Danny demanded they take care of her. It wasn't like Danny had to pull his leg. She was a sword made of gold after all. Solid gold at that.

"We can't even get near Ronin."

"The soul Archer?"

"Why don't you leave him to me."

"What if he gets you too?" He looked up at the femme and she sighed.

"Ya ain't." She shook her head. "But you ain't got the time ta worry about me. Now get. The farther she is from that body the harder it will to get her back. Now while you be walking back don't forget ta tempt her to return to her body."

He nodded his head carrying Danny back over to the Bounty and lay her down in the hold. He set the case down on the floor and opened it. Dandy stepped out. Her clothing clinked together as she walked. Silk, and gold all around her features. It would seem she had been playing around with the coins while he was away.

"Another soul sir?"


Danny opened her eyes and looked around the baseboards. She could see the glowing green eyes looking down at her.

"Oh such a sweet thing." Preeminent said tapping the glass bottle she was trapped in. "It would be a shame...if someone were to...hurt you." She picked up the bottle and shook it. Danny gasped curling into a ball.

"Let me out!" She cried out.

"No...I don't think I will."

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