*+. I'm a Sunflower .+*

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"Himiko-Chan! Everybody knows higher class boys only choose rose girls!" Tenko exclaimed to Himiko. The little mage was eating potato chips and frowned. Tenko looked over and realized that she had said that right in front of Angie Yonaga. The aikido master immediately started to regret her decision.

"A-Angie! Tenko didn't see you there!" She frantically stuttered, scratching the back of her neck. Angie sighed and clutched her books tighter. Almost everyone in her class knew she was in love with someone way out of her league. That someone was Korekiyo Shinguji.

It wasn't uncommon for a lower class girl like Angie to be in love with a high class boy. In fact, most girls in her class were in love with an upperclassman. The only problem was that it was very rare to find an upperclassman who felt the same way toward the girls.

Angie did almost everything she could to get Shinguji to notice her. Sometimes even purposely falling or hurting herself and making it look like an accident. Sometimes on rare occasions the boy would be at the scene. One of these times included Angie falling back and down a flight of stairs. Shinguji was thankfully able to catch her.

Angie replayed that entire moment in her head over and over for the rest of her days. She often daydreamed about it in class. At home, she would sometimes scribble in her art pads the words Angie Shinguji. All the things she did for the boy were sweet. But aside from maybe one or two small interactions a day, she really never saw the boy that much.

It didn't help that on top of this, Angie was dealing with family problems and depression. She had a father who was barely there for her. And while her mother was kind and considerate, she had a busy job and never saw her daughter. They couldn't afford a babysitter, so Angie was often times alone.

But she was thankful for Himiko and Tenko. And that was why she did her best to respect them, even if they did hurt her feelings sometimes. She was too afraid to lose her two best friends. And it was understandable, they were all she really had. The girl looked up and realized that the two girls were looking at her worriedly.

"O-oh! It's fine! Angie must go now!" She shyly smiled, waving her hand in the air before running out of the classroom. She wiped the fresh tears that had formed in her eyes with her sleeve and continued to run. She didn't know where she was going, it was after school and she didn't have any classes. The best place she could go to was the janitors closet.

She ran as fast as her legs could carry her, swiftly rounding the corner and leaping for the stairway. Unfortunately, Shinguji happened to be peacefully walking when she tripped on accident and went flying down the stairs again. Shinguji tumbled back with her and they landed at the stairwell.

The upperclassmen's back was pretty badly damaged, he had hurt his back on several steps after all. Aside from a few bruises and cuts, Angie was unharmed. She opened her eyes slightly and realized she was wrapped in someone's arms. Her eyes widened further and she suddenly caught amber eyes staring intently at her.

She jumped back in the boy's arms slightly. Her cheeks started to burn and Shinguji weakly laughed. He was hurt badly, but it didn't seem to matter. He had saved Angie's life, and she didn't know what to do. The girl's crystal blue eyes darted around frantically and she panicked as she saw Shinguji's bruised shoulders and back.

"It's fine, Yonaga-San! I'll be fine..." He reassured her. He slowly stood up and reached out his hand, Angie slowly took it and he pulled her to her feet. He stood examining her body for further bruising before smiling at her and pulling her to the infirmary. Angie was blushing like mad. And she had to keep telling herself that this wasn't a dream.

They reached the infirmary a short time later. Shinguji politely requested for Angie to sit on the bed. She accepted this request and sat up right on the bed. She watched the upperclassmen searched the cabinets for bandages. He eventually found a spare roll and walked over to Angie.

The boy knelt down by her side and began to wrap a bruise on her knee. It was a slow process. Angie felt like she was going to pass out from the heat that had rose to her face. But she remained calm as Shinguji finished wrapping it and gently kissed it. Once again Angie's face heated up.

He moved toward wrapping a bruise on her wrist, and began to bandage that. He continued the process until all the bruises on her body were covered. She had quite a lot of bruises, and not all of them were from the accidental fall. Most were from falling on purpose actually.

Shinguji helped her up off the bed and smiled at her, his dazzling yellow eyes glimmered as sunlight from the window poured in. Angie's crystal blue eyes twinkled back and she giggled. Looking out the window, the sun was spilling golden rays, and it was starting to set. The girl turned to face the upperclassmen.

"Thanks for bandaging me up! Want me to walk you to your car? A-as my repayment!" She fumbled the last few words and mentally slapped herself. She patiently waited for Shinguji to respond and fiddled with her oversized cardigan sweater sleeves.

"You don't have to repay me...but walking with you would be nice." Shinguji smiled, happily extending his hand. Angie didn't hesitate to take it this time. She they walked back to the parking lot. The girl waved as Shinguji got into his car and drove off. Waving as he went. Angie waved back and giggled.

Shinguji sure wasn't like other boys. He wasn't interested in rose girls. He was interested in a certain sunflower. And that sunflower was Angie Yonaga, the ultimate artist.

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