The Big Bright

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I now lives  in a  city where,

the buildings cut the sky.

the people had no faces.

the light blinded all.

I was still all alone.

Day 1
I walked with the man who had grabbed me. His hand was soft with a black cloth. The world around me seemed to be covered in nothing but metal and neon lights. There wasn't a single person in sight for miles. It was only me and the mystery man guiding me down a road that seemed to stretch forever.
"Don't look down"
We turned a corner and all of a sudden we were on the edge of the sky. We walked on a strip of side walk between a building and the sky. I didn't trust the man's advice and decided to see what awaited my curious eyes. There was an infinite abyss. I looked down and saw nothing at all, but the darkness waiting to consume us. We turned another corner and Ended up in front of a factory.
"Welcome to your new home"
I never saw that man again

Days left : 1000

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