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I was sitting alone in an corridor which was lit up by one neon line from the roof. The floor was cold and hard. There was a chair across from me but it looked too comfortable for someone like me to sit in. Soon I heard a tap tap tap tap. Light foot steps slowly getting louder and louder and louder until they stopped.
"What are you doing on the floor child" It was a women's voice. I tried to reply but all I could get it was
"Too diry"
"Well then let's get you cleaned up we wouldn't want to spread disease here would we?"
She gestured for me to get up. I followed her into the hallway. Through the hall way one of the walls was a window where I could see machines in the dark and tools left around on messy tables.
" This is where you'll be working soon, and probably for a while."

She then led me into a small room with a shower and soap.
"I'll be waiting outside then"
She left me alone.
Days remaining 999.5

Light of the LampHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin