Work Place

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After I cleaned myself up I walked up to the door.  Now that I had looked at it in more detail it was of something I've never seen before even if I haven't seen too much. I leaned closer for a better look at it and it slid open revealing the lady to the side of the door.

" Looks like you're done let's get you settled in. Tomorrow will be a long day."

She lead me down further the corridor and found another door that also opened at my presence. In there I found a small bed a lamp with a ring on the top of it and tied to the ceiling.   It lit up as well I could now make out some words on a poster " May the light guide your never ending journey" above the word were a man holding out a lamp and warding away the dark.  This was the strangest room yet, the walls unlike the other rooms were not made of machinery, but made of paper walls.

" As you can see this is one of the older rooms, this is will be your room until further notice. I'll be back here in the morning to get you. Please be ready by sun up."


The door closed behind her and I sat down on the bed.  I hoped that tomorrow wouldn't be too long.

Days remaining : 999

The lady opened the door to find me sitting on my bed,

" Well looks like someones ready. Come one I'll show you why you're here."

I followed the lady down the same hallway and we eventually arrived at the workshop I saw yesterday. There were tools scattered about different tables. The tables were on the outline of the walls leaning against the wall and a couple of them in the middle. The tables themselves were nothing special, they were all black. The only thing that all tables had was a lantern. On most lanterns there was symbols written on it.

"This is where you'll be making your own lantern. Someone will arrive soon to teach how to do so."

The lady left me in the work shop alone, and I started to wonder around. I wondered why so many lantern are here and why they mattered. I slowly approached a lantern and held my hand out to it.

"Wait stop don't go any closer, back away"
A raspy old man said. I jumped away from the lantern and hit the table knocking over some tools making a clanking noise louder then a bomb.
"Go ahead and pick them back up"
I ran around the table in the middle and quickly gathered the tools then threw them all on the table.
" Eh good enough, anyway my name is ... meh just call me.. Elden"
"Ok" I replied
"I'll be the equivalent to your teacher and today will be your first lesson."
"I guess you can call this place your work place."

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