7. What Just Happened?

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After breakfast, I came back up to Axel's room.

I found my bag, under the bed. And grabbed my few clothes that were on the floor.

I was just about to walk out of the room with my things, when the door opened. Causing me to bump into the person.

I look up from my place on the floor. A confused Axel stood there, staring down at me.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm moving to the guest's bedroom."


"No. Yesterday, hell just an hour ago you were saying let's make the most of it or whatever and then you're telling your mom you don't have a choice. You basically ignored me down there. What's up with that? You bipolar, or something?"

I stare at him angrily.

I don't even know why I'm acting like this. I've never been this angry over nothing with my old boyfriends. I guess it has something to do with the whole marriage thing.

It's scary getting married. But getting married to someone you know nothing about is even worse.

That is probably why, I'm so touchy about him saying what he's saying.

At least with an actual marriage, you know who your going to spend the rest of your life with. By then you know what lines not to cross, but with Axel we don't know each other, so we don't want to push anything. We don't want to push the other to hard.

But, what I'm doing is not even testing the waters, I'm just jumping right in. Not knowing what to expect.

"I'm sorry. It's just - My last relationship didn't work out so great and now I'm being pushed into a marriage with someone I don't know. Of course I'm going to snap sometimes. Look, I want you to stay. We can get to know each other a bit more, maybe even talk about what we want at the wedding."

I stare at him, not knowing what to say.

It's only day two, basically day one and I already kind of snapped over nothing.

"Okay. Sorry, I uh, I think it's that time of the month. I don't know, I just don't know what to say to you or even how to act normally right now."

"It's cool," he laughs. "Come on, I want to show you something."

I drop my things near the door, not caring if they are stepped on or not.

Axel grabs my hand, pulling me down the stairs and into his car.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. You'll love it. Trust me," he smiles starting up the car.

"How can I trust you? I don't know you."

"Fine, let's play twenty questions. You first."

I stare at the tall green trees, thinking of a question.

It's beautiful here. The trees are so tall and thick. The sky is bright blue, not a cloud in sight. And the grass smelt freshly cut, that is before I was put in the car.

I love the smell of fresh cut grass. It takes me back to when I was about ten years old, and I was watching my grandpa cutting the grass. I was never really close to them, but that doesn't mean I loved them any less. I was at one point, before my cousins were born, then at the attention was put on them. I was their first grand daughter, but once my cousins Ashlynn and Harley were born I never saw them as much as I used too.

"What's your favorite food?" I ask, not knowing a personal question that wasn't so harsh.

"Pizza! Um, what was your brother like?"

My eyes drop at the thought of my brother. He was already mad at my parents to begin with, imagine what he would say if he knew what they have done to me now.

Some to think of it, my brother hasn't called in a while. The last time I talked to him was last month.

"He is great. He always protected me. I always felt safe with him. Whenever I was sick, he would come lie with me, even if we weren't talking, I still felt like he cared. Usually when I was sick, my family wouldn't really come check up on me, they were to busy and important to get sick. So, I always felt alone then, but my brother would come sit with me, when he was home. I don't like getting sick these days, because he wouldn't be there to just sit with me."

I frown that the memory. I miss him. But maybe now that I'm not staying with our parents, we can see each other more often.

He didn't like visiting, because he feared they would just skin him alone and shout at me so low my eardrums would pop.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

"No, it's okay. I just miss him, that's all. My turn to ask a question . . . how many girlfriends have you had?"

I couldn't stop myself from asking. I had to ask. I have heard of his work, both gang wise and with the ladies. I just want to know if it's all true.

"Including you?" he furrowed his eyebrows, looking from the road to me then back to the road.

"I'm not your girlfriend. I'm your fiancee."

"Fine, um, three."

My eyes widen, and my mouth drops.

How can that be possible? I mean, he is really really good looking, how can he only have three?

I guess all the rumors about him were wrong, because he isn't emotionless, or a man whore.

Which oddly, makes me feel a bit happy.


"Wow, three? I just imagine with your good looks and the rumors, that you would at least have six."

I look over at him to see him smiling.

I love his smile. His perfect pearly white teeth shine, and for a second I can actually feel like heart stop. His smile is just so beautiful.

I can feel my face drop in shock, I have never had that happen to be before.

It was as if his smile just made the world stop spinning and he was the only thing I could see.

Is this what it feels like when people get so made they see red? Well, all I can see is him.

I blink, shaking my head.

What just happened?

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