30. Scare Me

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I laugh, walking into the house.

What I see, surprises and scares me.

The walls near the front door are filled is bullet holes, three dead bodies lie there on the floor, blood pouring our his their heads and chests. The couch covered in bullet holes, the glass coffee table is now broken, pieces scattered around the room, the bay window broken, big enough for a person to run through it. And the guys are not in here.

I start to worry that someone came in and took them, while they had the chance.

My heart rate quickens, my palms feel clammy, and my eyes searching for any sign that someone may still be here.

My face drops, when I hear a cry of pain can be heard from the kitchen.

I look for any sort of weapon, finding only a large piece of broken glass.

I slowly walk towards the kitchen, listening to the sound of male voices. I peck though, the crack of the kitchen door.

My heart stops at what I see.

There sat at the kitchen island, is Axel with cuts on his head and forearms. Holden standing before, cleaning the blood off of the gash on his temple.

"Axel," I breath, racing towards him.

My hands going to his cheeks, looking for any other signs of injury.

"Are you okay? What happened here? Is anyone else hurt?"

His hands, pulling mine away from his face. He doesn't let go, staring deep into my fear filled eyes.

"I'm fine, Saw. Just a few little cuts here and there. I'm fine," he rubs hand up and down my arms, taking to calm me.

"Little cuts? Axel, you have blood pouring down your face and cuts on your arms, that will probably need stitches. You are not fine."

"Hey, hey. Look at me. I'm still breathing, aren't I?"

I don't get the chance to reply, before he pulls me into a comforting hug.

Just then do tears start to blur my vision, slowly running down my face and onto Axel's now dirty t-shirt.

I don't pull away, I tighten my half on him. Wanting nothing more than to just hold him, and to let him know how much I care for him.

"Don't you ever scare me like that, ever again," I whisper into his ear.

After finally calm down, Axel pulls away, yet this in my embrace. His eyes hold worry as he looks down at me.

"What is it?"

"Saw, there's something you should know."

His voice comes out uneven and sheepishness. Axel's voice is never like this, I've never seen him this venerable before.

Once again, a sense of fear creeps it's way up my body.

To see Axel tip toe around the subject, has me thinking that something bad had happened today, and not just how many cuts that Axel has. 

Oh, please, dear God. Please tell me that my dad is okay. That he wasn't here when this happened.

I know that he has done this sort of thing before, but that doesn't ease my mind when I think of bullet flying through the air at him.

"Lucea escaped . . . with the help of two women. Women that wore masks, and drove a black SUV."

No. No, he couldn't have. No one knows where this place is, I don't even know how Lucea found it in the first place, now more people break in and free him.

He knows to much to be free. He knows to much about me to be free. About Axel, about the wedding. 

Details that we don't even know how he found out. There has to be a mole somewhere in these two gangs. And we have to find them, before it's to late. Before all we've worked for would be for nothing.

My father built a gang so strong, so close, that he considered them family, that he raised me with the help of them. And it scares me to think that someone in that family could be behind this all.

Not only the family, but Axel's as well.

Axel's gang being bigger, only the best know where we live. Only the best having details about this all. Members that's shown their loyalty , that proved themselves know about us. 

So, there to is someone to question. 

That everything they have worked for, can be the reason we all die.

All that's something that I am not willing to wait for.

I don't care what Axel says. I want to help take down these people that could easily kill my family when their not excepting it.

And the first one that I plan on killing, will be Lucea.

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