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      I slammed my fist on my alarm clock as it went off for the the third time this morning. Oops I guess I 'll have to buy another one. This time with my own money since when I broke the eighth one my  mom refused to buy me another. I hopped out of bed and threw on some dark skinnies and a silver crop top.  As I ran down the stairs I jammed my combat boots on. Running into the kitchen I grabbed a poptart and rushed out to my bike. Yeah your probably thinking what kind of 17 year old girl rides her bike to school. Well its actually a motorcycle, a Ducati Monster 696 in silver to be exact.

     See I, Quinn Baker, am not your average girl ever since my dad left when I was 5 I changed. My dad never wanted a girl only boys. He hoped maybe I'd be a tomboy but I wasn't,  I was your average little girl with ballet and barbie dolls. This didn't work for him so he gathered my brothers and left my mom and me here. Mom doesn't blame me though so its all good. But she doesn't like how "rebellious" I became.

     I pulled into my school's parking lot super late and headed for my locker. I'm already late so why rush? Walking into my English class I noticed we had a sub. Ha she'll have no idea what hit her! 

"Excuse me but you do realise that you are 20 minutes late don't you," the sub said while the class snickered at her.

In a bored voice I replied,"Yes, yes I do"

"Well do you have a reason?"


     She looked surprised at my answer and then enraged.

"Detention and I'm calling home"

     I shrugged my shoulders and headed to a seat at the back of the class.

"Well aren't you going to teach mam," I remarked.

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